
Homepage Forums Support From Our Forum Community OCD Related Conditions I want to tell everyone I’m trying my best to live with bdd but…

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 weeks ago by Dukalis.
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      I’ve had bdd for as long as I can remember and even tho I’m desperate to get better I reckon I screw up my life even more every day. A friend once said to me that ‘I’m beautiful and I’m acting crazy when I do things to myself because I hate the way I look. But when I tried to tell her I don’t want to do things to myself, but just can’t control myself, she actually laughed and said get a life” and left me feeling worse.

      I feel like a total loser, I think I’m a nice person, but maybe too nice? I watch people at work manipulating other people, I guess to fulfil their desires of controlling people to make them feel better about themselves., and those nasty people don’t have a disease like bdd…it just doena’t seem fair. Anyway, I’m getting off topic a bit here, what I’m trying to say is why does a nice person like me, who would never use or manipulate anyone get stuck with having bdd?

      Some people have said that I don’t try enough to help myself get better, and some people have even said it’s just my imagination I have bdd. I want to say to everytone like this that bdd is serious, and is a mental health condition that is extremely difficult to conquer but I’ve had therapy and medication, and am trying to get better, so just leave me alone! What do you think? Will being a bit assertive like that just make things worse?

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