I don’t know how common this is with people that suffer with ocd and tourette’s but I do this thing every time I speak to someone and it makes life so incredibly difficult and makes me not want to talk at all .. it’s related to ocd I guess .. every time I speak to someone I think I’m randomly saying a bad word, I think I say it in the middle of sentences that have nothing to do with anything like that, I guess it’s the fear of someone thinking “ why did he say that? “ and think the worst about me , I can’t seem to stop it and I’ve done this for about 6 years now ,the fear of this word is so ingrained in my brain that I can’t say any word without thinking I’ve said a bad word, I then replay the conversation I’ve had with someone over and over again in my head and try to remember if they looked at me funny like I said something strange or are they now talking to others about it , I think I must have said it ??it’s a terrible paranoia I’m having to deal with every day and it’s making life miserable, has anyone else ever had this or a similar problem?? How did you stop it and learn to concentrate?? Any reply from anyone about this and what they think would be very appreciated even if you have never had this problem or even heard of it, I just want to be able to communicate with people without this intrusive thought and have normal every day conversations.
thanks for taking the time to read this