Here’s a little trick I learned for living with ocd – If you were to toss a coin every time you have an intrusive thought, and make Heads mean continue with the thought while Tails gives you permission to escape from the thought, which way would you prefer it to fall? Tossing a coin can take a problem off of you! Us ocders really need to keep positive and remember that we have the right to good health, that worrying about ocd can do us more damage we can’t get help. But there is help for us! Make your life path your decision, and whatever you decide is best for you, will be accepted by everyone. Don’t risk your health, bad health is difficult to come back from. Remember you’re learning, always learnig, about ocd and your life experience will help you to come to an informed decision as to what’s best for you and you alone. Or, just toss a coin!