
Homepage Forums Support From Our Forum Community Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) The Neglect of OCD Research on the Impact on OCD Sufferers

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  • #33221
    Jesse www

      I am an OCD sufferer, but the symptoms are mild and have not affected my studies or life in the past. However, after recently stumbling across some OCD-related research, my symptoms began to worsen, which made it difficult for me to cope sometimes. I began to have uncontrollable worries about my abilities involved in the studies, which seriously affected my self-confidence. Even though I knew that what was involved in those studies were only averages and didn’t apply to everyone (especially mild sufferers who often weren’t included), I still couldn’t quite shake them off, which worsened my OCD and spawned more self-attacking thoughts, which is what’s so painful about OCD: even when you’re aware of them, it’s hard to get rid of them. This affects my mood, interferes with my studies and life, and makes it hard to cope and even have some extreme thoughts of ending it all at some points. To improve my condition, I tried to find a lot of help including looking for private psychologists, mental health support from college’s welfare department, the university’s student support department and even the Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre (ADRC), but none of them really touched on or took the time to read in-depth about the research material on what was troubling me, which couldn’t address the root cause of my distress. I’ve also tried contacting the authors of these studies that are troubling me, including one who graduated and is working as a private clinical psychologist, to try and get a sample of the tests, but they either won’t get back to me or won’t accept my requests for therapy appointments at all (for that private psychologist). I’ve also tried the GP but they only gave me a 20 minute window where I couldn’t talk all information about what was bothering me and they then just gave me a 20 minute appointment for the next month, I’m not sure how this is going to help, I’ve had to speak to private therapists for hours with no real effective support. I understand everything they say including the treatment approach but it doesn’t really address the issue at hand, the symptoms from these studies profoundly affect my confidence and open up gaps for other OCD symptoms to distress me. What I do understand is that having access to and taking tests similar to those in the studies I’ve seen would not only be a response to the current OCD symptoms (which can be seen as a compulsive behaviour to alleviate symptom), but it would also really give me a piece of the support I need to act as a pillar to stabilise myself and my own confidence so that I can better combat the subsequent OCD symptoms, an approach that is also recognised by the paid psychologists that I’m consulting with. However, they are not willing to spend much time reading the research that is plaguing me to help me improve my symptoms by analysing and deconstructing them, or organising such similar tests to address them at all (due to lack of qualification and authorisation, they said). I’m still having trouble getting through the current situation. I’ve also tried emailing and venturing to ask academics in the psychology department questions about it, but they don’t have time to get back to me either.

      Ironically, these studies for psychological problems are supposed to help sufferers, but because of the internet nowadays and the ignorance of the effects of OCD seeing these, it’s the direct opposite… And they don’t seem to care about the results, it’s all very frustrating.

      I want to die now, and there seems to be no other way to deal with the constant self-attacks that this triggers, as well as the nausea and constant disruption that the confidence issues cause to myself. My college isn’t going to help me with anything, they just want me to take an intermission and go home so I don’t at least die in school, which is nice.

      Forum Moderators

        Forum Moderators here:

        Thanks for posting on the forums – we ‘re concerned that you write: “I want to die now” and really encourage you to talk to your GP, or therapist if you’re seeing one, because they are there to help you in situations like this.

        If you ever have thoughts of ending your life, you can call the Samaritans, who are always there to support you. You can contact the Samaritans by:

        And if you want to talk to someone who understands, OCD, you can also contact the OCD Action Helpline – our Helpline volunteers provide confidential information and support for people with OCD (and anyone who thinks they may have OCD). Most volunteers have personal experience of OCD; all understand how it can impact your entire life.

        Contact our Helpline by:

        • phone: 0300 636 5478
        • email:

        You can also find out about support groups on our website. These offer a safe place where you can talk openly about OCD and support other people too. Our information about UK-based groups can be found here:

        If you don’t live in the UK, you can look for groups near you on the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) website. Look in the section “Find Help” and then under “Listing Types”, choose “Support Groups”:

        And please remember that you’re never alone – OCD Action is here to help and support you.

        Best wishes,

        Forum Moderators

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