Hi there… It is in times of need that we find out who our true friends are…
They want us for the benefits we provide them, after that, they can literally let go of us, and move on to other people. In the NHS, for instance, It is said that 30% of workers, are actually looking for something else to do… In care work you have two types of people… Takers, and Givers. No prizes for guessing which they are… The Givers are now coming down with burnout related problems. “We literally have given blood, sweat, and a hell of a lot of tears… I have nothing more to give, and you dislike me for that… You, who are lucky beyond your wildest dreams, but yet cannot see it… You’ve taken everything… I have no more left to give…” Is being said by people. The thing is, the physical body starts to fail… And so it becomes difficult for us to be generous with our time… And the cure for that malady, if indeed there is one, takes years… In my case, well over thirty…
We are all in need too… But Takers have ‘Tunnel vision’, they see only in black and white, and identify only with what they don’t yet physically possess… Must have more, and more. And yet…
Friends that leave us in our time of need… Were never really real friends at all…
So maybe, we need to look for different ‘real’ friends in our time of need. And then lean back on ourselves, Cos at the end of the day, we can be friends with ourselves… Good friends with ourselves. 🙂