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      I had ocd intrusive thought than demon broke character and it was a spiritual loud voice I think demon showed it’s true act forum , I was possessed by pazuzu he caused my ocd , someone in my family is possessed by demon , Satan possesses my dad causes wrath extreme anger , it said in website Satan represents wrath means extreme anger anger is caused by Satan threw judgement on us , sun a 1 satan on websites (Website removed by Moderators as does not follow OCD Action Forum Guidelines) these sites sun 1 a letter whey we have surprises life unfair, I heard they voice become spiritual and last year instead of ocd I saw square green image there green alien really demon pazuzute sting on image with wireless head phone , why I saw pazuzuite green alien cause in TV commercial there were Blue aliens speaking voice that I heard voice heard in mind when green aliens pazuzuite and exorcist 2 movie pazuzu voice sounded those aliens Pazuzu is king of them , pazuzuites are doing the ocd , once 2 years ago it’s like maybe I can see them doing that stuff before it was images now maybe are like doing image and see those green aliens pazuzuites talking doing something , One thing happen in mind was this looks like pazuzu king demon head in mind everything black in mind pazuzu head going moving in my mind and when this happen bad feeling something like that what think this was bro? when they yelled always just yell but once spiritual loud voice that’s evidence. Demons went into my dreams , Bad , demons are in my head Satan himself in my head he’s grey figure angry , they torture me take away my joy temp to do wrong sin this since like forever manly between you can say 2008 pazuzu demon , really badly 2021-2022 , check out my video on (Website removed by Moderators as does not follow OCD Action Forum Guidelines),  check out my channel (removed by Moderators as does not follow OCD Action Forum Guidelines)

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