Hello: I don’t have even one friend who understands OCD! I need peer support and feel isolated, and all on my own, and doubt the future will be any better. Does anyone know if there are books to read to help me from Amazon? I have downloaded some to Kindle but actually what I really want is CBT techniques to help me with daily life. I just don’t know if I have the strength, and have no people around me need to help me. I can’t, relax, or accept that I have OCD and reassurance does nothing for me. Sure its easy to say be positive and make the best with what you have to work with, try meditation, listen to recordings on youtube, cut yourself off from the world, but I can’t, and to be honest, I’m struggling to remember what I’m reading. I really don’t know what to do, maybe I’ll give it another month. I try to commit it to memory but my memory is like a sieve. I’m just constantly worrying and I feel really tired. How can I possibly be positive?