I’ve been away from the forum for some time. I used to post light hearted comedy sketches in the Coffee Area based on my experiences with checking.
I’m coping but I’m scared. Sometimes I feel like I’m doing really well & then it’s like I could fall apart.
I’ve suffered anxiety for many years & noticed OCD in 2009. Well, someone pointed it out to me, I just noticed I wasn’t acting as I normally would.
It started after mum passed away about losing things specially any thing attached to her, even scraps of paper. This developed into worrying about losing anything or those I care about losing things. I’ve gone from spending 3 hours checking every morning to 5 to 10 minutes. But then it feels like I’m going backwards. I started making listed of everything I carry. Now I don’t those lists. I know the cycle and that making lists it fuelling the OCD.
It’s weird because I am hear to ask for your similar stories and support but as I am writing this partly seeking the dreaded reassurance, it’s clear that its OCD pestering me. I should just say enjoying every minute is better than worrying over materials. It’s not so easy though.
It would be great to hear from you.
Nice to meet you.