  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 years ago by Archive.
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  • #9004

      Hi everyone, just  didn’t realise how long I  have been away from  here… I’ve not been studying  either… Instead, it has been sunshine time… It is good for vitamin D, that in turn is good for happiness… Tomorrow we are expecting  rain… I’ll play my music keyboards… Is it clean enough? I really don’t know… But musical instruments were never cleaned in disinfectant… Never.  What about taxicabs? Before Covid, nobody worried. It is strange, but it has taken a while to actually  stop doing what we now do when entering shops. But that is the only time I use antibacterials. Using a facemask at the gym is a little awkward,  but bearable. We are told to wipe down equipment before and after use. So I do, just once only. Once on the treadmill, I listen to rhythmic music on headphones… My phone doubles up as a portable stereo system. Is it clean? I don’t know,  but I doubt it somehow. Does this matter? Not today. Tomorrow possibly, but for the rest of today, no. It is a one day at a time thing these days. And that is okay. No one gets ill. Well, they don’t do they? It’s just the fear of getting into trouble, for putting someone else at risk of something they have already been at risk of, due to the activities of a normal  life. Even before I came along.  It’s not all down to me anymore. I’m no longer to blame for everything and everyone else’s problems. And that is great!  That reasoning can be applied to all of our lives. We are all allowed to make mistakes, and to be forgiven.  And we need to forgive ourselves, maybe more than we forgive others? Yes? Yes. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemies,  can’t we? We need to argue against our OCD and the compulsions and intrusive thoughts that drive it. A day at a time, an hour at a time, one minute at a time, each breath at a time… God bless you for reading.


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