Hi, I got to a point where I would go to the loo before starting food prep, washing hands ‘Once Only’, and going back to my kitchen, knowing that I’ve just washed my hands, and in the domestic setting, that is okay… Well… It is for everyone else… I give others more rights than I give myself… And that is just plain unfair… My evidence is based on supermarket toilets… Or any shop toilets, including what I call ‘Finger restaurants…’ When we go in, has everyone else washed their hands when returning to the store? Everyone pulls on the door handles… But it only takes one, in the shopping day, to leave everyone else with less than perfect hands… The thing is… Supermarkets have been like this for years… And no one gets ill… If they did, they’d sue, and the shop or restaurant have it’s reputation ruined. They don’t… That is evidence. If it is safe in a commercial establishment, then it is definitely safe at home… So, if we wash our hands a little less…