Hi there, and welcome to the forums… Perseverance is the key. Keeping at it, every day, right up till bedtime, then carry on again in the morning, and so on, and so on, until it finally gets easier. And it does get easier eventually… It may help you to write your thoughts in a sort of journal/diary. That way you can see that, yes, some days weren’t as good as others, but, there will come days of progress forward. Reassurance tends to have a negative effect, but self praise for every achievement is definitely allowed I think. Others will hopefully praise us, but sometimes it is just down to us. I bought a new book today called ‘The CBT Handbook, by Pamela Myles and Roz Shafran. It looks pretty good, and was on special offer from Amazon. I do write my own stuff, but feel more comfortable promoting other peoples work! Dr David Burns MD, in America has written ‘Feeling good, the new mood therapy’. I got my copy on ebay. He is a very good writer. Knowledge is power, OCD is the enemy. It is a challenge, but it can be done, and will be worth the wait to when we all find ourselves out in the sunshine again, metaphorically speaking. Welcome!