
    Hi,  I have seen a book called ‘The concept of Bontamination’, Written by a guy called Marcus John Kim. He has come up with an idea that sounds really good. He suggests that ‘if what is on that surface, or door handle etc, before or after we have touched it, is actually insufficient to overwhelm yours or mine natural defences, then that is safe, and then if it is sufficient to give our natural defences to strengthen on, then that is actually very, very good!

    Kids who don’t wash all of the time, are actually more resistant to illness, than those who use antibacterials all the time.

    We actually ‘Need’ to be a bit grubby! Otherwise our natural defences will actually weaken!

    Isn’t that amazing? We actually need to be a bit grubby!

    ‘Con’tamination can be seen as poor, But ‘BON’ tamination, from the french for good, is very positive. So… Armed with that truth, go on holiday, and have a fabulous time. It’s okay to be less than perfectly clean! We are designed to adapt to our surroundings. We don’t breathe pure oxygen, we actually need to pollutants in the air to allow our systems to function properly.

    We are free to enjoy touching things in shops, to touch door handles.  We are free!

