
    Hi dear friends, We’ve actually made it to Friday! One breath at a time!

    Yesterday, I found a folding spade… it goes in a carrier bag… I  will place a label on, With something along the lines of people taking offence at everything I do, they can now dig up the fence posts as well, and leave the area tidy!!!! Metaphorically of course!

    I feel like I offend everyone… Is it because I attempt to smile as much as I can. A smile doesn’t actually hurt anyone, but it certainly helps me feel better. And definitely will you too.

    I actually played keyboards in church last night… During a time when the building happened to be out of use, but opened. I was basically testing it to see how it would sound in the space… Really good, fortunately. It has been a very, very long wait to attain this, with a lot of resistance along the way.  How can I have ever been spoiling anything? I turn to the wall in tears. “Children should be seen and not heard…”  What a killer that statement turned out to be… But it was commonly used during my younger years…

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