
    Hi dear friends, thankfully I  feel a bit more awake now.

    One of the things I  do a lot of, is sit outside in the street. The more people about, the better. Dogs come up to you, children smile, and people are often known to reply to a cheerful hello from ourselves. The difficulty can come when someone greets me, and I  am most definitely not feeling okay… Like just after my phone got stolen… I  fought back the tears…

    As a writer, I  look around me… There is none so blind, as he who will  not see… (Ray Stevens). It is awful when I highlight something is wrong, especially  for children, and get met by blank expressions cos ‘he’s moaning again…’ I’m not moaning at all, I  am simply highlighting the injustices, especially linked to people needing foodbanks and childrens breakfast clubs at school, when so many round us have far too much, who then a avoid payi g tax, giving us the situation where we have nothing left in front of us…  I  will leave you to google that one…

    I am going to give books as presents to my grandchildren… I  do still struggle to believe in the standard of written work. I may think it is okay ( I  used to think it was rubbish…). Is what I am giving any good? Or am I  being made to feel bad about my stuff,  so that I’m easier to kick out of the way, by  people who employ ghost writers?


    The thing  is, What do I do, in order to get the joy of sharing, when I  have nothing of value to anyone else to offer?

    We are all wonderfully made, especially us wounded spirits… Real life is not easy… if it was, there would be no real sense of achieving anything really special for ourselves…

    Sometimes our own worst enemies are the negative feelings we hold inside…

    Contrary to how we may feel sometimes, true, real success is nothing to do with academic or wealth. If it were, life itself would have little or no value…

    I will leave you to ponder that one! But never, as others may try to make you, never undervalue  yourself as a person… The fact that you have feelings, makes you incredibly important… The poem Desiderata is powerful testament to that.

    We often feel that everyone else is happier than we are. Believe me, they most definitely aren’t… Just look up and you will see for yourself..

    That’s  why they are so desperate  for yet another expensive car, house, or millions of dollars etc.

    If you have difficulty standing straight, then sit straight. Head up to the sunlight. And smile!  It takes a a bit of energy, but it is oh so wonderful to our inner spirit. It works because it is a built in system in the body, it is as natural as we are, and we are born with it… Internal hard wiring of the brain itself. We are designed physically to stand upright, the structures inside us respond to gravity, and light. A bit of favourite fruit can help, it assists the release of nutrients from the other stuff we eat.

    Just allow yourself to  be you… (And that is nowhere near as easy as it sounds, but the results are usually amazing, even if only to ourselves…)

    So that is this weeks challenge…

    Just allow yourself to be you. Allow yourself to have feelings. If no one else will listen, just jot it all down somewhere important to you, and read it often.

    That is you and me…  Taking up our place in the world,  however humble that may initially appear.

    Until next week dear friends… Hopefully Friday! 17 May,  About 6pm uk time, right here…