
Homepage Forums Support From Our Forum Community Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) The last ten years of contamination and checking ocd. And where I seem to be now Reply To: The last ten years of contamination and checking ocd. And where I seem to be now


    Today it was a buffet… All finger food. Anyone ill? Of course not. Think of the times when you go to the bathroom  in a friends house, and the bar of soap is dry… And no antibacterial soap or gel… It works the same way as the absence of the noise from the jet engine hand driers…

    There is still no reaction to the parcel and the delicious cheese on toast…

    And what about cold beefburgers? Cooked, cooled, and wrapped in foil. Then, lft in a haversack of holiday clothing for a couple of days… I  will have to get back to you on that one, cos I am eating them now, in a bedroom, with unwashed hands, typing this on an unsanitized tablet computer…

    More tomorrow…

    God bless you for reading,
