
    Hi everyone… Everything we touch, we leave our fingerprints on… But we also put good stuff on… When our hands are reasonably clean, there must be as many good germs on our fingertips as bad… Or we would have all poisoned ourselves by now… As babies we crawl on the floor learning to walk… And most of whatever got in our mouths will have strengthened our immune systems… There is a school of thought that suggests that a lot of modern allergies are produced by living a bit too clean… Yes, we do have to be mindful of our pandemic situation, that hopefully, with help, our bodies will be able to fight off, like tetanus, and suchlike. I wonder if we can say that vaccines are effectively ‘Bontaminators’… That is, good for us. The word Vaccine comes from the Latin ‘Vaccu’ meaning Cow, from the days when milkmaids would contract Cowpox, and be a bit ill for a short period of time, but become resistant to the killer Smallpox. Check out Dr Edward Jenner, for the history on that one. I don’t know why I cannot find the word ‘bontamination’ in the dictionary… It has come from somewhere…

    Any ideas, Anyone?
