The concept of ‘Bontamination’… Discuss.
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21 September 2021 at 15:58 #10160ArchiveParticipant
Hi everyone… I have been taking a break from the forums, but felt the need to share something that might help us with Contamination Ocd, which I still have…
I have spotted something new on the grapevine… A new word… Built up from the French word ‘Bon’ meaning ‘Good’. And blended with the word Contamination. We Get Bontamination… A positive word?
Based on the idea that there are good germs as well as bad on everything we touch… Or breathe… Or eat… Or drink…
Always has been… Consider supermarket toilets and trolleys, and tills…
If we excessively anti-bac everything, we are killing the good stuff too…
And yet the good stuff need bad stuff to strengthen on… That is how vaccines sometimes operate…
If I touch something with relatively clean hands, do I ‘Bontaminate’ it? Maybe put good germs on everything I touch, and maybe so, I’m not so contaminating the world, Negative’, but maybe passing my immunity around too…?
This could be really exciting… What do you fellow sufferers think?
Chat again soon,
God bless you for reading…
19 October 2021 at 07:24 #11520ArchiveParticipantParticipantThis sounds to good to be true… And yet… It seems to help me… I googled it, and there are books available. It is very new… We just have to be ‘Reasonably clean” and that is exactly what non-ocd’ers do. And they are doing okay…
God bless you for reading.
19 October 2021 at 17:42 #11524ArchiveParticipantParticipantHi everyone, if we google the word ‘Bontamination ‘, it brings us back here, but also some books written by a very, very good friend of mine…. Marcus John Kim. Worth checking out, if you want a good read by someone who has literally been to hell and back, several times…
27 October 2021 at 12:47 #11986ArchiveParticipantParticipantHi, Today it was about working the concept of ‘Bontamination’… It involved the task of taking a parcel to our local post office… A normal, everyday thing… But… We are living in the middle of a pandemic… So it involved putting a face covering on before entering the shop… Then using the antibacterial gel provided, and then, finally, getting the parcel to the scales… Now, I really don’t know what is on the box… My germs? Bad? Good? I really don’t know… But what I imagine, is that there will be hundreds of parcels at the sorting office, absolutely none sterile, and all with, well, who knows what on them? It will have always been this way… Even fifty years ago, when I was a teenager, who didn’t worry about wiping dry, my own ice skates, at the rink… When it gets to the destination, my grandchildren will be more interested in what is inside the parcel… Everything else will be okay, because it always has been okay… Even during the pandemic… ‘Reasonably clean’, is the new mantra… We use the sanitation provided, only as much as is necessary, just on entering the store. We’ve always picked up letters off the doormat… Well, we have, haven’t we? Did we ever get ill while our natural defences were building up, as we crawled around on the floor before we had learnt to walk? If we ever did, did we know? Or even particularly notice? When we don’t overthink these thing too much, we find a sense of freedom… A childlike sense of wonder, about the nice things that happen during our day…
4 November 2021 at 14:44 #12200ArchiveParticipantParticipantHi everyone… Consider the case of DNA left on surfaces… Harmless Bontamination… If I pick up a jar of coffee to make a drink, my DNA has every right to be there, along with that of everyone else who has handled the jar… And so it is with everything else I touch… If I cannot pay for something by contactless card, then I defiantly shove my card into the reader, and press the ‘Button that used to be green’. It doesn’t make anyone else ill, if it did it would be on the front page of every newspaper… Store reputations would be ruined, people out of business… People buy antiques… Who knows how many people will have handled them before… Old clocks… We have never sterilised them… How would we? So, we actually ‘Bontaminate’ everything we touch, and we in turn, are ‘Bontaminated’ by everything we touch… And have done, for generations… If we reduce the amount of farm animals for meat, then, to grow organic’ vegetables, the manure will have to come from somewhere else… Will we then have to use loo cleaner on potatoes and carrots? It could happen…
17 November 2021 at 23:10 #12483ArchiveParticipantParticipantInstead of ‘Contaminate’, think ‘Bontaminate’
Instead of ‘Contaminant’, think ‘Bontaminant’.
What is a ‘Bontaminant’? It could be soap not quite rinsed off, or even sugar going into tea or coffee… That speck of dust on your clothing or on a seat… It’s nowhere near as dangerous sounding… It always has a positive outcome…
4 December 2021 at 22:55 #12785ArchiveParticipantParticipantToday, I wondered about Bontaminants… One thing I do have to be careful of is, when going into a shop, I use the antibacterial gel to clean my hands, but then have to remember to to scratch my face… Cos it upsets my eyes… In that way, it is a ‘Bontaminant’ for my hands, but a ‘Contaminant’ for my eyes… Marcus John Kim is currently writing a book about what what the concept of ‘bontamination’ is. It will hopefully be available from Amazon shortly. All of his books are published by Amazon, so it is easy to buy them. I have ordered some myself, so I can compare notes… What about windscreen washer fluid in the car? We always inhale a tiny bit through the air vents, so it must be safe, going straight into the lungs. As is air freshener spray… What about wood smoke? It certainly smells nice… As a good thing, it comes under the list of ‘Bontaminants’. Cigarette smoke apparently has cyanide in it… Something considered lethal in some places… And yet, not all smokers get lung cancer… Funnily enough, they’ve never banned smoking… Probably because of the sky high tax levels. Okay, I’ll try and post a little more tomorrow, when I’ll hopefully feel a bit better… Flu is an absolute nightmare for me…
20 December 2021 at 23:48 #13088ArchiveParticipantParticipantHi everyone… Wannabe here… We are now of course, well and truly on the runup to Christmas. So I humbly hope, that we will come through this frightening time together… The word ‘Bontamination’ now exists in the English language. We now have to start adopting it’s usage. I have now completed a book about the concept of Bontamination, and hope to have it available on Amazon shortly… My pen name is indeed, ‘Marcus john Kim’. Some of you will know that this book has been written with the support of friends and relatives, over many years of going through the hell of OCD, in virtually all of its’ guises. I will notify everyone through my other threads and friends and relatives, when future developments take place…
21 December 2021 at 17:52 #13092ArchiveParticipantParticipantWell, it has finally been published on amazon kindle, the print version should be available on amazon, in three or four days… The book is written by ‘Marcus john Kim, and is called;
‘In a nutshell… The concept of ‘Bontamination’. It has taken a long time to write, but has definitely been well worth the struggle of the last few years. I believe that it is possible to read a sample of it for free. It goes into Exposure with response prevention, ERP, and demonstrates how it can be used to bring down the OCD monster, to a workable level. I’m now going to spread this idea around friends and family…
13 January 2022 at 23:18 #13493ArchiveParticipantParticipantHi everyone… Everything we touch, we leave our fingerprints on… But we also put good stuff on… When our hands are reasonably clean, there must be as many good germs on our fingertips as bad… Or we would have all poisoned ourselves by now… As babies we crawl on the floor learning to walk… And most of whatever got in our mouths will have strengthened our immune systems… There is a school of thought that suggests that a lot of modern allergies are produced by living a bit too clean… Yes, we do have to be mindful of our pandemic situation, that hopefully, with help, our bodies will be able to fight off, like tetanus, and suchlike. I wonder if we can say that vaccines are effectively ‘Bontaminators’… That is, good for us. The word Vaccine comes from the Latin ‘Vaccu’ meaning Cow, from the days when milkmaids would contract Cowpox, and be a bit ill for a short period of time, but become resistant to the killer Smallpox. Check out Dr Edward Jenner, for the history on that one. I don’t know why I cannot find the word ‘bontamination’ in the dictionary… It has come from somewhere…
Any ideas, Anyone?
22 January 2022 at 23:22 #13808ArchiveParticipantParticipantI am my good friend Marcus John Kim. I am friends with my self these days, after years of absolutely hating myself. My books are available exclusively from Amazon, and are also available in kindle reader format. We now have a word to compete against that awfully negative ‘Contamination’ word. So now we can live a more neutral existence in ordinary life. When we are ‘Reasonably clean’ it is a case of Contamination versus Bontamination, in more or less equal amounts. There are going to be both good, and not so good germs on everything. And this has been the case since we were born. The good germs fight against, and strengthen on, the not so good germs. We really don’t do ourselves a lot of favours by being ‘too’ clean. Our air is most definitely not totally clean, in fact air conditioning can cause eye irritation. If we walk in the city, car exhaust fumes are breathed. When we smoke a cigarette or pipe, the smoke contains many toxins. But over the Millennia we have developed a certain amount of resistance… Logic suggests that, if there were only bad germs around, we would be totally overwhelmed, and not physically survive. Not everyone who smokes will go on to get lung cancer. In my youth, I smoked for a time, until it became impossible to steer the car… No power steering in those days! The concept of this word, helps to reduce an overwhelming urge to continuously wash in what I affectionately call ‘Finger restaurants’. To be honest, I doubt if ‘anyone’ washes their hands in such places, and they stay in business… Just as well really, because the food is really nice…
30 January 2022 at 16:48 #13957ArchiveParticipantParticipantMy good friend David has been sharing his thoughts… Mind you, it is myself that is building a website…
Okay, today I defrosted our food stoage freezer. My goodness! There must have been 2plus cubic feet of ice and snow, when I used a full 20 litre plastic box to tip it around the drains outside! That’s a lot of space that can now be used for actual food… Now, to dry off the defrosted surfaces, I needed to use a towel. Now, I did actually get a clean one from the bathroom cupboard. Thinking about it, I reckon that any dry towel would have been fine… Especially if we consider the state of the food outside wrappers after being handled by the checkout person… Never mind the conveyor belt…
Has it ever harmed us before in our lifetime?
There has to be good and bad on our hands and food wrappings… And door handles… And stair rails… And lift buttons… Even our hair. What about my bedding pillows? I sleep on those every night… And I’m still here to tell the tale… So we have evidence…
3 February 2022 at 15:51 #14393ArchiveParticipantParticipantI’ve been thinking about things we do when we are cooking or preparing food for a meal. Not so much the cleanliness of the plates, but the actually about the different ingredients we use to improve flavour etc. Consider ‘Salt’. If we get it in water to drink, the water is effectively contaminated with salt. However, If we add salt to mashed potatoes, it improves the flavour, as long as we don’t put too much in, the salt has now become a ‘Bontaminant’, a good addition.
Scrambled eggs… If we add a touch of black pepper, we bontaminate them, improve them, with the pepper. However, If we were to do the same thing with a rice pudding, the Pepper would be regarded as a ‘contaminant’.
Many years ago I absolutely hated Garlic… We could buy cough medicine with garlic in it… I thought that it tasted like motor oil!!! Ugh!!!
But these days, What about Garlic bread? With cheese topping… Really nice…
So, in the right place, a bontaminant can be good. The bread is not, in my taste, ‘contaminated’ with the Garlic. But of course, not everyone likes Garlic, it is an acquired taste.
I’m often amazed when, the judges on cookery competitions ‘All agree’ that just the right amount of seasoning has been added to the ‘dish’. How can that be? Not enough Salt… Bland. Just enough salt, Bontaminated. Too much Salt, Contaminated… How can it all taste good for everyone? We are all different. That is why we have cruet sets on the dining table…
Consider ambient lighting in a room… I happen to like purple colours… But not everyone does, that’s why the paint companies mage a range of colour tints. Same with Wallpapers.
So, Back to OCD…
My body will have it’s own ideas about how my food should taste… Likewise about touch, What is pleasant, what is not. The right temperature for a swimming pool… We are all different in that respect. But our bodily systems are very similar, in that chemical processes are the same for each of us, but sometimes we may need an antacid to ease the stomach. That, if used correctly, is a bontaminant. But excess of use would be a contaminant…
So how much of anything do I leave on door handles then? Is it really sufficient to be a contaminant? When I already have bodily systems that defend me against what could already be on it? Are a small child’s hands Ever clean? Really?
5 February 2022 at 21:03 #14456ArchiveParticipantParticipantA further thought came to mind today… Away from germs and bacteria for a moment, What if I were to name something useful, that can actually be a Bontaminant or Contaminant…
Consider common salt… Even sea salt…
In mashed potato, and in small quantities, it is most definitely good, a Bontaminant. But if we were to put too much salt in, it ruins the flavour, and becomes a Contaminant. Before we had fridges, salt was used to preserve meat. Saline is remarkably good for our eyes…
Back to germs then. When we touch a door handle, just how much is transferred? A small amount, to strengthen ours, or indeed someone else’s immune system… Is there really enough to cause a problem, apart from in our thoughts?
10 February 2022 at 22:05 #14564ArchiveParticipantParticipantTomorrow is supermarket shopping day… Well, we going to visit someone, and they have a supermarket quite close to them… In that particular supermarket, they have a special tub to put soft plastics in for recycling. I keep a large box in our kitchen to save the plastic, then, when the box is full, I get it all to the supermarket, and as far as I am aware, it goes for responsible recycling… I take it in the carrier bag I will then use to put my shopping in to come home… (They also do some really nice responsible Bacon, so, Whilst I happen to be there…). My Question is this… All of the wrappers are open, with the produce used at home… So, What will be on the inside of the carrier bag, that all my new goods will be going into, after I pay at the till? Well… As the till operator will handle everything, just as normal, it is highly likely that there is gonna be ‘Something’ on my shopping items. And that will be before I get them in my carrier bag… Just as has happened since supermarkets began, in the 1960’s I believe. My whole lifetime… In the carrier bag, there may already be something… But How much? Is it going to be like the salt in the potato’s, and not too much?
I’ve done this process several times over the last six months or so, and so far… No ill effects that I’m honestly aware of…
This, by the way, applies to ordinary households, in the family, where hopefully we aren’t frightened of litigation solicitors banging on our bedroom doors! Yes, we need to be reasonably clean… The thing with OCD is that we can try to be too clean, and actually set ourselves up for infection, by wiping out our own natural defences… Cracked skin, raw knuckles etc.
I guess it would still be a bit different in a care home setting… And of course, Hospital isolation units and operating theatres… This is just a laymans perspective, trying to find a happy medium, to make life live able again, after years of Contamination, and Checking Ocd.
What d’you reckon?
13 February 2022 at 22:02 #14630ArchiveParticipantParticipantHi everyone… Something came to mind today…
If, when we touch a door handle, for instance, whatever we pick up off, or put down on that handle, is not enough to overwhelm the natural defences of another person touching it… Instead of it being ‘Contamination’, as it is not totally bad, and at worst will give the natural defences something to fight, and therefore strengthen on, in turn, strengthening the persons natural defences, in a good way…
That’s ‘Bontamination’ Isn’t it?
Just like the common salt… There needs to be just enough… And that amount varies from person to person…
But our natural defences are everything we have, to protect ourselves from the world…
We need them to be strong enough… The stronger the better…
15 February 2022 at 21:50 #14774ArchiveParticipantParticipantI have written a book about this very subject… I believe that ‘The concept of Bontamination ‘ is here to stay… n life today, there is so much overuse of the idea of contamination. Everything is tainted, if you like, by good as well as bad… If everything were bad, we wouldn’t have survived as long as we have in nature… Check out my pen name ‘Marcus John kim, on Amazon. You don’t have to buy the book, simply look inside it, for a bit of inspiration. We are, like it or not, breathing polluted air… And our lungs process the air into our bloodstream. In that, antibodies attack, and thereby protect us. Our skin has natural oils to keep it waterproof. If we wash our hands excessively, that ‘Barrier ‘ is compromised. The skin dries out and becomes cracked. And then sore. The world is asolutely filthy… As children, we crawled on our hands and knees. Next time you are in a takeaway, or sit down cutleryless restaurants or Cafes. Take a look around you… Has ‘Anyone’ in there got clean hands? Literally, Anyone? Really? Do they antibac their hands on the way in? Not everyone does… What about the toilets? The cleanest in town. Not everyone washes their hands… Do you hear the sound of the handryers, each time someone returns to eating areas? Shall I say it? They don”t… Not everyone does… There is a suggestion that the materials in the doorhandles is antibacterial. If it is, how quickly would it work efficiently? It is more likely to be the case that the amount of anything deposited, or indeed lifted off that essential doorhandle, (A pull handle to exit the toilet tooms), is insufficient to totally overwhelm our natural defences, but insread, at most, stimulates our natural defences to strengthen their defence of our bodies, and thus in a ‘good’ way, then perhaps a state of ‘Bontamination’ exists… Because people aren’t becoming ill in these restaurants… If they were, people would sue, and the ‘finger’ restaurants would have been shut down by now.
Next time you go into such a restaurant, take a look around you, and relax. We do have to take heed of pandemic rules, we do have to be reasonably clean… I believe that I, as an ocd sufferer, it is okay for me to Bontaminant the world I live in… Exactly the same as all the other people all around me every day and night. No one else is perfectly surgically clean, except in an operating theatre, and even there, the clinicians wear surgical gloves, and apply a process called The aseptic technique’. But in an ordinary shop or public place?
What to you guys think?
19 February 2022 at 21:29 #15800ArchiveParticipantParticipantHi everyone, I’ve had a couple days deep into my studies, and stuff… I did have one weird thing happen a couple of days ago… I was waiting in a crowded space, waiting for someone, when I happened to hear a loud noise, not unlike a vacuum cleaner, or Hoover, as they are often referred to these days. Eventually the crowd dissipated, and I saw that the noise was coming from an open door… Believe it or not, A hand dryer in a loo! That just goes to show how rarely we see people use them… I guess we will all have seen Men exiting the public toilets, whilst still fastening their trousers and belt… One place I frequented in town, had stairs with brass stair rails to hold when returning out into a market square… And what about the escalators on the London Underground? So, ‘Bontamination’ has been going on for years… I guess there is real truth, in the saying, ‘Whatever doesn’t kill you, Makes you stronger’. I’m not suggesting we all go out and get really filthy, but just doing what others around us do, with no apparent concern, gives us the freedom, to not worry. As we start to emerge bravely from the pandemic, can we allow ourselves to just reduce the cleaning, just a bit… In order to allow our natural defences to build up again… It’s a positive thought…
24 February 2022 at 22:12 #16237ArchiveParticipantParticipantHiya, Is it possible that the Tetanus jab is the ultimate Bontaminant? After all, it doesn’t harm us, and at most, it stimulates the body to develop antibodies to fight off the illness, effectively making us stronger, And that can only be a good thing… What about the Flu jab… ?
The first Vaccine was discovered by a Doctor Edward Jenner, in 1796, that cowpox, an illness to do with milking herds, can pass to Humans, and also, from human to human… The other amazing thing was, Cowpox made a person ill for a few days, but once having had it, they developed a resistance to the killer Smallpox. He went around giving people Cowpox, which stimulated a reaction in the body, and effectively wiped out the killer Smallpox virus. All good. Incidentally, the word Vaccine’, comes from the Latin, vaccu, for cow… I’ve been talking to my friend David at some length about this, and he was wondering if this has something to do with the developing variant ‘Omicron’. If another variant should occur, might that be on a similar thing, less destructive than Covid. We are adapting to our world…
So, the next time we touch that door handle, or light switch, let us give a little bit of the control back to our natural immunity systems. Yes, gel hands just once when entering a supermarket, but then allow nature to do it… Because excessive us of Biocides (And that is what they are) is killing off everything, the good guys as well…
28 February 2022 at 21:30 #16386ArchiveParticipantParticipantHi all, I’ve now got the book on Amazon… I’m debating whether or not to make it an audiobook too…
3 March 2022 at 22:04 #16484ArchiveParticipantParticipantI could record it myself, as by the author…
9 March 2022 at 22:34 #16925ArchiveParticipantParticipantHi everyone… I’ve been fighting the internet today… I’m just about coping… Most of my family are completely stressed out… So we are being supporters at the mo. A bit of good news… My Books, namely;
‘In a nutshell, The concept of Bontamination’, written by myself, Marcus John Kim, is available on Kindle and Amazon print. And,
As of Today, “Not in a nutshell, The concept of Bontamination, again by myself, is available on kindle only, until I get the front cover sorted, ready for it to go into print.
If, when I touch that door handle, or stair rail… The ‘anything’, that I should maybe place down, or pick up from that, is insufficient to overwhelm mine, or someone else’s natural defences/immunity, and nothing happens, or at the very worst, triggers my natural defences/immunity to fight back and become stronger, also a good out come…
That’s ‘Bontamination’, Isn’t it?
I hereby rest my case for the defence…
15 March 2022 at 22:41 #17090ArchiveParticipantParticipantWhat happens when children crawl on a carpeted floor? Have carpets ever been perfectly clean? What about picnics, sat on the grass? Teddy bears and cuddly toys… Petrol pumps at filling stations… Cables and connections at electric car charging points… The tyre inflators at garages… Safety belt buckles in taxi’s. All are handled by multiples of people, But, no one gets ill… If they did, there would be a lot of coverage in the media… So… Just maybe, we don’t have to keep all the juggling balls up in the air, so to speak… They won’t smash on the floor, metaphorically speaking…
Let’s allow ‘Bontamination’ to happen…
20 March 2022 at 23:14 #17218ArchiveParticipantParticipantMy last book about Bontamination is now on Amazon, and will hopefully get through the review procedure. I’ve had to accept second best, but at least it is all done now… Today, it was about driving a different car… Tomorrow it will be different again… Bontamination will have occurred, just as it does everywhere… Everything we touch… The food we eat… The air we breathe, and the cup we drink from in that Cafe… We need to allow it to become part of our genetics, so we become a stronger species… Part of evolution, or indeed, ongoing creation… Bontamination is a nice positive word… So much better than the overused alternative… (Contamination). 🙂 🙂 🙂
25 March 2022 at 21:44 #17652ArchiveParticipantParticipantHi everybody… Just had a few days doing other things, but I’m back now. I’m having to get used to shopping in a supermarket again… I do so love the word ‘Bontamination’. It just sounds okay, and yet it is so simple. As basic as, too much salt in the potatoes, and they are ruined, contaminated. But get the right amount in, and yes ‘Bon’ as the great french detective Hercule Poirot might say. What I am wondering though, is, how is it that on cooking programmes, the judges all have exactly the same taste, re spices, salt, pepper etc? They do, don’t they? Years ago, a cafe would have the salt and pepper etc out in boxes, so you could choose your own amounts. Surely it is an individual thing? At least now they’ve ditched those stupid pieces of coloured plastic, in favour of slices of wood. A place I once worked in was obsessed… Mind you, so were the people trying to sue us… I’m sure they had solicitors on speed dial… This new word is gathering pace. It exists, simply because it has now been published in the English language.
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