
Homepage Forums Support From Our Forum Community Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) The last ten years of contamination and checking ocd. And where I seem to be now

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      Hi there, Thank you guys for the heads up. I have been visiting grandchildren for a few days, it keeps me young! They have two wonderful dogs, and a cat that remembers me for cuddles. I love it. And, do’you know what? I sit on the floor… Where everyone else as well as me walks. They have real grass in the garden too. They poop scoop regularly, cos the little ones are running up and down the garden. But they never stand in any poop… There is hardly anything there anyway. They have lots of toys in the garden, water play as well. Grandchildren are absolutely amazing… Where do they get their energy on so little sleep!!!!  The song, ‘I wish it could be Christmas every day’ comes to mind, staying up late on Christmas eve, wrapping prezzies until 2 am, then a t 4.30 am, the chidren shout, Mum! Dad! Santa’s been!, and I’m still in a drunken sleepy stupor!!!

      So, once a year is enough…  One thing I have practically given up now, is driving the car. It belongs to my wife, and, to be honest, I trust her driving better than I trust my own…

      The sunshine of the last few days has gone… They said thunderstorms today for me, but as they haven’t happened, I’m pleased, which I wouldn’t be if they got it wrong the other way around!

      We had egg sandwiches for lunch… Eggs bought ready cooked and packed with just enough mustard sauce. I cannot shell hardboiled eggs, because they don’t co operate, so the ready done ones are just right for just the two of us at home. More grandchildren come to visit tomorrow… It’s a good thing I can keep up with them! As stated in another thread, I’ve started sitting on the floor. It saves worrying about sitting too close to anyone, or having enough seats in the room or garden. Are my shoes clean enough?, well, they will be as good as everyone else’s… And they are okay… If someone wants to try and blame me, they have write down to times as well, cos it would be a legal document. Someone I used to work with used to highlight my caring errors, which were extremely rare and trivial, so no guilt there, But I guess when they turned around and starting watching him, well…  The last I saw of him he was working somewhere else anyway. And the management company had pulled out too. I’m pretty happy these days, even though I do come up against a lot of antagonists… Churches seem to have their fair share, don’t they? I live by trial and error… Errors aren’t as terrible sounding as the overused word’ Mistakes’.  And why is it, when we go for a job interview, it is all about our ‘strengths’, and then we spend the rest of our lives trying to solve our so-called ‘Weaknesses’.  It is my ‘weaknesses’ that determine my strengths, that I bring to a well-mixed team. I cannot be good at everything… It just isn’t gonna happen… I need other people to use their strengths to complement mine. Then we all do well together.

      Right, I must get back to my studies, I’ve had a couple of weeks away, I needed the break to be fair… Studying is hard work, and I love to spend time writing too… My eldest son does some fantastic hobby-craft work in his spare time (!) He is a full time daddy (!) to fabulous daughters, the youngest of which is 2. I will be putting his craftwork up on display. Being nice to each other is incredibly uplifting. It has the effect of making us feel better about ourselves too.  The art of being able to say ‘Sorry’, without tearing ourselves down in the process… Is not as easy as it sounds, but well worth a go…

      Right, I’m in charge of preparing the evening meal tonight… Chicken fillets wrapped in bacon slices… And mashed potato from frozen… I have found that, if the main dish item in the oven takes half an hour to cook, then a metal tray with the vegetables in can go in the oven as well, saving the need to use another pan and energy on the hob.

      More later… God bless you for reading.



        Hi everyone… Today it was a lot of shaking of hands, loading of the car, and using motorway service stations, for food and petrol… Very little washing of hands, just the same as the rest of the people around me. How has it gone? Well, I’ll let you all know in the morning… (Wednesday) I have been out all day, and I’m well past writing anything…

        God bless you for reading…



          Did you think anything would happen? That maybe I would get a tummy upset? Well, nothing did. And there was nothing on TV about people picking up tummy upsets at motorway services. So it just has to be okay, Doesn’t it?

          This being the case, if we all tried washing a little less, then, just maybe, we would start to feel a little better about ourselves, and where we fit into the world around us…  In a restaurant, the only place to wash hands is in the toilet rooms, but, for years, people have pulled door handles, in order to return to the main restaurant… So whether or not you wash your hands, there has always been something to get on your nice clean hands… So, I seem to have got it to a point so that, the very second intrusive thoughts begin, I’m assertively pushing them away, so they don’t even get their toe in the door, so to speak… Let’s give them no power, no inch so they can try to take a mile, so to speak…

          More later…

          God bless you for reading,



            Hi everyone, yesterday I was out late, so didn’t get on here sooner… We ate Jacket potato’s with real butter, and quiche, and some sort of salad vegetable that wasn’t lettuce… I handled most of it with fingers. I only washed hands in the toilet rooms. And just went with the flow, what others were doing. Anyone ill yet? I don’t know, but I do know that I’m not. The food was fantastic.  A buffet tea/dinner, ate with really good friends. Salad is notoriously difficult to eat with a fork, so fingers is better. And then there was trifle…  I have bought a portable keyboard, so that eventually, I will play organ in church. I needed something that would go in the car… I will need to practice, and keep the keyboard at home. Using a trolley, as it is extremely heavy. I have started listening to local radio at night, with just one nightlight on in my bedroom. It is very relaxing, So I will do the same tonight. Is my bed clean enough? Well, it is gonna be the same as everybody else’s pillow tonight, and we survive the experience. Well, we do, don’t we?

            More later,

            God bless you for reading,



              Well, I survived the experience…

              At present I am dealing with a recurrence of an old back injury. I keep putting the ointment on, and will hopefully be back to normal very soon. Tomorrow I cease to be a full time student… I no longer have time on top of everything else I do… Late nights will stop now, and I’m glad about that… I listen to the radio at night, I find it much better than trying to watch TV in the dark. As a pensioner, I’m limited financially, but enjoy having time to do stuff I’m already good at. I need to get a decent amount of sleep at night, that sets me up for the day. My writing will continue… I’m good at that, and my music, I have recently bought another teenage instrument, the price of new equipment is totally stupid now. I make sure that I have plenty to eat, cos hunger ruins creativity for me. Tomorrow, out in the car, but not myself driving. It is my wife’s car, so she drives it… Is it perfectly clean? No. It cannot be. And I’ve been around cars for the last fifty years. We live…

              Okay, I’ll update in a couple of days, don’t forget to check out my work under my pen name of Marcus John Kim.

              God bless you for reading.



                Hang on a mo!

                Where have you all suddenly come from?

                I’ve been alone on here for the best part of a week!

                And now I’m surrounded,  both before, and after my last entry!

                What is going on?


                That apart, I intend to have a shower this evening. Some clothes will end being picked up from the bathroom floor. It is the only way I will sleep tonight.

                Yes, there might be germs on my clothing, but that hasn’t killed anyone yet, as far as I  know.

                God bless you for reading.



                  Hi everyone… Today I joined a health club… It has a gym, a heated swimming pool, and a cafe. I have joined alongside my wife, so that we can go together in the same car. Will it be clean enough? Well, the place looked really good, and the main thing is that the pools are gonna be warm… I just cannot bear cold water… The gym is really nice and airy, and the equipment absolutely brilliant. Everything is clean and tidy. And afterwards I can have a cuppa in the restaurant. It was just by chance that we found the place, a short drive away from here. I won’t be carrying any antibacterial stuff with me. I don’t need to. Nobody else appears to be doing so… And it is in nice surroundings, and I don’t have to stick to a particular time… We just go when everyone else is at work!  It actually works out cheaper than trying to set up a spa at home in the shed, the electric would price it out. And, as it is a national chain, when I go to visit places, I can call in anywhere. So… What are the implications here? Well, I’ll take my own towel… I might not bother with socks, it will be easier to cope without having them in my locker. I cannot actually swim properly, but to be able to go in the gym, then go for a rinse in the pool will be fantastic, and a cuppa afterwards. I am my wife’s main carer, So I can support her too. She is paying for it all after all. And it is her car that gets us there…

                  How can I possibly make anyone else ill? We all go in the same pool, that is properly set up. If I touch a door handle, I may add to, or take something from it. But, if we consider the concept of Bontamination, it is most likely to be a good thing, at least it has been so far…

                  My studying has stopped, completely. I have made the decision to stop. I don’t have enough hours in the day, and it was a pointless qualification for me anyway. I’ve achieved things that would have been impossible had I not, at least, commenced the study, so now it is right to leave it alone, and get on with enjoying life… My clothes are good enough… My hands are good enough… My shoes are good enough… I seek to think much less deeply about everything… Just reasonable care, reasonably clean, and just leave it at that. This is not half as easy as it sounds. Sometimes I think that I’m being negligent… But hey, no more negligent than those around me. And don’t those around me have their rights? And don’t I thus have the same rights as them? Of course I do! So that makes me free to enjoy… Without forever trying to prevent other people, getting from me, what they most likely have on them anyway…  They are already ‘bontaminated’, even before I enter the same room!

                  So… When you come to me for support, just for a moment, consider that you, yourself, are my therapist, dealing with the difficulties we both experience…

                  What would you suggest that I do?

                  Well, Let’s both of us go and do that then… And report back when we next meet.

                  More later.

                  God bless you for reading…



                    Well… No ill-effects from the swimming… Nothing… The water was pleasant, the jacuzzi fab… And then a nice hot drink afterwards. I may go tomorrow, if it isn’t too busy, with it being a Saturday…  The heat at present is a bit of a struggle, with the worst conditions being due early next week. I will just stay indoors, I think.

                    I went shopping today… To a frozen food shop. Bought loads, carried it in a warm car, then just put everything in the home freezer on getting back… Is it okay? Of course it is… In my experience, it has always been okay, for the last thirty years at least.  Tomorrow, a couple of the grandchildren come over to see us… It is always fun. The house isn’t going to be perfectly clean, and it doesn’t need to be so.  Children need to be resilient, we don’t do them or ourselves any favours by trying to be surgically clean… That is for operating theatres in hospitals.

                    Okay, now I must sleep… There will be friendly germs on my bedding and pillow.  And I have the evidence to prove it to be so, by sleeping on it, as I do every night…

                    God bless you for reading…



                      This morning, it was noted that the waterfilter unit in the kitchen is warm to the touch… This will be the case for millions of people today… It is our main source of cool drinking water… Is it safe today? Well, it will have to be, cos there is no way to sanitise it, without ruining the taste of the water…  And ice cubes… They’ve been used for decades… ever used any additives? We haven’t, have we? Ice lollies… They aren’t sterile… When eating ice cream, in wafers, or cornets… We never washed hands first… So… Let’s wait and see what the next few days bring… Let’s be fair, it has been to hot for us to even care…

                      This is all evidence to back us up when worrying about contamination issues… It is amazing that, when the heat is scrambling our brains, the less than perfect world still carries on, and we still survive. The most important thing is keeping hydrated… Lukewarm water will have to do…

                      God bless you for reading…



                        Hi everyone… Well, that was a scorcher wasn’t it? 40 degrees in the shade… But, somehow we’ve survived. The water filter seems to be okay… No tummy-ache to report… Well, not myself anyway. What about grapes… Ever washed them before eating? Really? What with? Let’s be honest… No one does.

                        And salad… On a worktop, we use bleach products… But on food? It would ruin the flavour.

                        What about when camping? Caravans and tents aren’t sterile…

                        But we use them just the same…

                        Is a car sterile?

                        We really don’t know,  do we?

                        I don’t contaminate the world, I  bontaminate it, and, when things are reasonably clean,  it bontaminates me… Yes?

                        God bless you for reading…



                          Anyone physically ill yet?

                          People have largely stopped using the antibacterial gel in shops…

                          We’re still alive aren’t we?

                          My hands aren’t perfect, let’s be honest, they never have been,

                          Neither have yours, my blessed friend… Neither of us… Never…

                          And that is a really, really good thing…

                          Vitally important for our survival in fact…

                          I am a good person, I am reasonably clean, that is all… And that is all I ever can be…

                          More later…

                          God bless you for reading.





                              As I write, I have been sorting out a purchase on ebay. It will involve travelling on a railway train. Seats that others have sat on before me, and will do so after me too. It is a very convenient way to travel. I will have luggage on the return journey… It is large, so will stand on the floor. It will be a walk between the station and my destination, with maybe, door handles to deal with. I believe that nowadays the doors are worked electrically… A push button system, that thousands of people use every day.  Do they use antibacterials on the London underground railway? There’s gonna be a lot of touching… And sometimes, the trains are packed…  Yet, statistically speaking, they are still reasonably safe… And that is about as good as we can expect.

                              Do any of you use the London underground trains? How do you get on? Are there any statistics we should know about?

                              God Bless you for reading.



                                Well, Today it happened… The train trip, shop doors, cafe, pedestrian crossings, wide roads to cross, heavy box on wheels…

                                It got delivered to my son’s house, upstairs! Then it was straight to the supermarket, waste polythene in a skip, then over to the milk aisle. No antibacterial used since I used the railway station toilet, some six hours earlier. We’ll have to wait and see if anything happens, won’t we? Oh, I forgot, I also went to a chip shop for tonight’s supper! Of course, we know full well that no one will become ill, well, they haven’t in past times… Tomorrow it is gym and swim… We go to a private pool, where there is less of that awful chlorine. We do use cleansing wipes on the gym machinery after each use, and that is sufficient.. Nobody uses hand gel, except after using a loo. The rest of the time we just go with the flow. Everything looks incredibly clean anyway. And we have a cuppa in the cafe after… We’ll be alright, the evidence backs that up. Anyway, I’ll update again in a couple of days…

                                God bless you for reading.



                                  Hi everyone… Still no adverse effects from the train journey… The fast food restaurant… Even the swimming pool today… In the gym, we use wetwipes on anything we actually touch with our hands…  It is hard work doing the exercises, but the meal after is brill.  I could drive the car if I wanted to, but I choose not to, cos my wife likes to drive, and it is her car.  She is also better at it than me. If I wash my hands much more than just after going loo, I will ruin the microbiological surface of my skin. Even this computer will not be perfectly clean… And let’s be honest, Nor does it actually need to be. At college some years ago, I would be on a different computer every day. The only place to wash hands was in the public toilets room, but no one was ever ill…  We ate food at breaktimes, but only drinks were banned from the computer workstations, due to the risk of spillage and damage to keyboards. I play the electronic organ in my spare time… And no, I never wipe it down or spray it with anything. Never have done.

                                  Do people in orchestras ever go down with tummy-ache?

                                  God bless you for reading.



                                    Hi everyone. What about handling of keys? Bunches of keys, Old keys, Electronic car keys. We cannot wash them… So I assume that no one does. And what is the point of washing hands after using keys? It would be, I guess, on an a par with when we use mobile phones. The plastic case on mine has very little plastic left, it is now threadbare canvas material. I cannot wash it, and anyway, What could I use? So, let’s just go with the flow, so to speak. Having Jesus along for the ride, makes things a little more joyful, although today has been pretty depressing. It just happens that way sometimes. I’ll more than likely be fine in the morning, after getting some sleep. I went into a gym today, worked out, then went into a heated swimming pool. I came home so relaxed I was falling asleep. Absolutely exhausted.  Is everything clean enough? Well, if anything ever goes wrong, we don’t hear about it! So, it is fine. The swimming pool doesn’t smell strongly of chlorine, not like the 1960’s when they made us swim in disinfectant, so strong it made my eyes sting. The smell caused me to have panic attacks… Nowadays they use something different.  How do you people eat potato chips?, I almost always use fingers, especially when there is a battered sausage with it. If there is gravy, I just lick it off my fingers! Well, children do, don’t they? So, so can I now. It won’t make me or anyone else ill, at least, it hasn’t so far… And that is viable evidence. I can argue my defence with that one…

                                    One thought came to mind whilst I was at the swimming pool… Towels on the floor… Where people will have probably walked before me… Does it get germs on the towel? We really don’t know, do we? I try to disregard it completely, I give it no thought time. As long as I don’t start thinking about it, or thinking into it, the worry doesn’t even get started. I’m doing the same as everyone else will be doing, we have no choice. They have no choice. And they are okay… If it is okay for them, then I assert my right that is therefore must be okay for myself too. Just roll the swimming costume into the towel,  and get it straight into the duffel bag.

                                    The gym equipment is in really good condition. Easy to wipe contact surfaces after use. I only use a small amount of weight. But that is okay for me. I’m not competing with anyone else. I believe it is doing me good, even though it is tiring. I need to lose a bit of weight, but this is really about feeling healthier, and better in myself.

                                    Tomorrow is a day off, so I’ll get some hobbies attended to. Music, without continuously washing my hands… I’m getting better at that now… I’m taking a risk, but no more than anyone else is also doing… I may even get some recording done! I have an old camera, but it has fabulous microphones on it.  It has to be on charge all of the time, cos the batteries are also quite old, but it is good enough for me.

                                    And what about the bed I will sleep in tonight? A bed is never really clean, right? And if anyone ever got ill, it would be allover the papers… We don’t hear about anyone else needing to spray their pillow… I’m gonna risk it now… More later…

                                    God bless you for reading.



                                      Hi everyone… So far, no news from the swimming pool… Or the gym… No almighty hooha, or stuff on the TV news or internet… So just maybe, towels on the floor was okay… Tomorrow we do a tip run, a trip to the local skip centre, to dispose of a load of junk.  I can actually touch the handrails at these places now… After all, everything is dry.

                                      I tried something new last night… To help me sleep, I got youtube up on the telly, and selected some relaxing stress relief music stuff. All was fine, until this morning, when it was still relaxing music, and I had a heck of a job getting out of bed! I needed reviving! Until lunchtime I was hopelessly lethargic! So, If we are gonna go off to sleep with this stuff, set a timer function on the TV, so that it goes off after perhaps an hour and a half, and you wake up in silence in the morning! Then, for goodness sake, select something that will get your heart up to some sort of pulse rate, enough to get us out of bed, and into the day!

                                      So… Are my hands clean enough? I really don’t know, but, just like everyone else around me, our hands will all have the same whatever on them, natural oils, dried on sweat, The same stuff that has been naturally present on our skin, ever since we stopped crawling on the floor…  Let’s defy the urge to wash or antibacterially cleanse our hands, so that we don’t clean quite so often… Start off small, and build up the length of time between cleansing. Yes, the amount of germs/bacteria present will increase, but so will our resistance to them increase, and by so doing, we are passing on that growing tolerance to being just reasonably clean, over to those around us also.  I call that ‘Bontamination’, the good process of passing around good bacteria, and the not so good bacteria, so we can become more resistant to illnesses and mild infections. Okay, time to get into my not perfectly clean bed, to get some rest, so I have the strength to deal with whatever tomorrow brings… More later, God bless you for reading.



                                        Hi everyone… Boy am I tired this evening!  I went to the gym today… Used a special rowing machine… Where the emphasis is not on speed, but pull… I’m the same on the treadmill… Steep gradient, slow walk… Okay, so some people can go very fast, but I choose not to. I am expected to use a wet wipe on each machine I’ve been on, ready for the next person. On the sitting down machines, I’m sure that people mess about with the weight settings when they stop, to give the next person the impression that we aren’t as strong as they are! But I’m not competing with anyone. I’m not there for that. I don’t even know if I’m losing weight… I’m not going that deeply into it.  I relax into it, then after doing my group of exercises, I go for a dip in the swimming pool, and sometimes, when it isn’t too busy, a dip in the jacuzzi.  A relaxing shower, dressed, and into the restaurant for a nice hot drink, and, once weekly, a meal too.

                                        Tomorrow, I work on my portable music keyboard… It is old… But is it clean? Well… I will say that it is clean enough… I’ve nicknamed it ‘The fool’, cos I’m going to be playing it at our church, and I’ve always wanted to get away with playing the fool in a church!!!  I also hope to let others have a go on it, without using antibacterials (That could damage it), cos when I was younger, I lived in a generation when kids weren’t allowed to touch anything… So now, hardly anyone can play them anymore…

                                        Okay, time to sleep… I trust that my quilt is okay… And my pillow…  My bedding has never been changed everyday, and I’ve survived into my sixties!

                                        More in a couple of days… God bless you for reading.




                                          Okay… Tonight I will suggest something…

                                          For the next twenty four hours, unless we are doing food preparation… Let’s only wash our hands after flushing the loo, and then, once only… That’s all… Sure, we’ll get anxious, but then let’s busy ourselves with something else… Using the remote control to flick through the TV channels, find something absorbing to watch… Resist the urge to wash hands until next time we need to use the loo… Let the anxiety rise up, but then, after a relatively short time, abate… It almost always does… Other people will be safe to put their hands on the remote control too, they already have the same relatively harmless stuff on their hands too. In Biology they call anything naturally on our hands, ‘Normal flora’.  Instead of a threat, it is actually a first line of defence… Our skin is the largest organ in the human body, It is like a sealed container, protecting us constantly from our normal environment, be it the bed, pillow, door handle etc.

                                          I’ll give this one a go as well… More in a few days…

                                          God bless you for reading.



                                            What about a day at the seaside? Day tripper… Coins in the amusements… Let’s be honest, none of them have been, are now, or will be in the future… particularly clean. Now the pandemic situation has eased somewhat, nobody provides antibacterials. Children are eating with bare hands,  and yet, don’t become ill… Is that reliable evidence? Well, it is the best we have. Burgers,  hotdogs, chips, candyfloss from plastic bags… The experiments are going on all around us as we walk along the sand and promenade.

                                            Think about it for a moment… It really is okay, Isn’t it?

                                            God bless you for reading…



                                              Hi everyone… I uave been sitting on the floor… In a house where they have small children, a cat, and a couple of dogs. I know it will be okay, cos where I sat looked reasonably clean. And it has always been okay before. Something us contaminations ocd sufferers can do when we get a chance is… Go into a shopping centre, enter a shop, and pick up a basket. But don’t actually place anything into it. Walk around the store, then, after say, ten minutes  or so, place the basket back on the stack, then wander into another shop, and repeat the exercise…  Do this in maybe four shops, and then in the fifth, you can put something in the basket, pay for it at the till, and thus treat yourself for having succeeded in the task.  No antibacterials,  cos shops do provide it anymore.

                                              It works, and no one gets ill

                                              Let’s ‘Risk it for a biscuit!’

                                              God bless you for reading…

                                              P.S. This also seems to work with door handles…



                                                Hi everyone… Today, as on other days, I have had occasion to view people going in and out of public conveniences… Not fully, just while I’m in the restaurant having a meal… At motorway services, I changed my tradition… I ate before going to the loo… Which means I ate, without washing hands first… Fries… Burger in a bun… Finger food… Without washing hands after travelling in the car for 2 hundred or so, miles…  That was several days ago now… Any ill-effects? Of course not! Nothing, and the meal was fabulous… In both directions to and from my holiday destination… Nothing… Seafront burger stall… Again, all is fine. There wasn’t anywhere to wash hands anyway… Even the supermarkets have stopped asking us to use antibacterials when entering the store… Today, it was cheese…  Now, be honest, have you, or anyone you have ever known, washed the outside of a plastic wrapped pack of cheese? We never have, have we? And yet, we may wash our hands before doing food preparation, but what about when actually opening the food wrapper… It has been handled by lots of people, been on the conveyor belt in the store, handled by the checkout operator who handles everything they sell in the store… And yet… We place the whole pack on the chopping board, to open the pack, and slice the cheese for sandwiches… We even butter the bread on the same board… We always have, for as long as cheese has been wrapped in seethrough plastic packaging. What about edam, packed in red wax… And cheese triangles… Mmmm… Delicious…

                                                If we start to resist cleaning everything, the anxiety will rise, the voices in our heads demand that we give in the the compulsions to clean. That is, for a short time, then they actually go quiet, and we can get on with our day. The next compulsion/voice comes along, but each time, resisting them actually gets easier… They start to go quiet… And eventually, we are free…

                                                If I described my problems to you, and they happened to be identical to yours… What would you suggest I do? How would you help me to deal with it all…  Let’s both do that then, and see how we get on…

                                                God bless you for reading.



                                                  Hi everyone… An interesting discovery… How often do you hear those jet engine hand dryers anywhere? Public loos, library, church? This Sunday was my first time… A long quiet sermon… Interrupted by the sound of a jet engine coming from somewhere else in the building… Someone had actually washed their hands! In a building full of people. I’ve never noticed it before, and yet I’ve been attending there for about a year now.  I know that because Christmas carolling isn’t far away, again… In fact, it is time I started practicing on my electronic organ…  So, has anyone been away due to sickness? Nope… A lot of people seem to have a lot of going away holidays, but no food poisoning… And we had cake after the service… We’ll have to wait and see if anyone is ill next week… But we have cake and a cuppa quite often… To be fair, people don’t shake hands with me anymore, we sort of got out of the  habit with covid.  But we all touch chairs, doorhandles, light switches, Cake and biscuits… We’re okay, aren’t we? And so is everyone else.

                                                  Have you ever been to a carboot sale? Bought anything? It wasn’t perfectly clean was it? What about the loo’s… Those plastic boxes, with no flush, no paper, no soap, no water… Thousands of people use them… And then go to the burger van and pay by card… Or sometimes cash… Is ‘Anything’ there even likely to be clean? We don’t totally know, but it stands to reason that thousands of people would become ill… But they don’t, do they?

                                                  So, just maybe, that tiny germ you left on that door handle is not gonna do anyone any harm, including ourselves, touching that same item after someone else… We are a lot more resistant to germs etc, than solicitors would have us believe… And as for the ‘Trip or fall’ guys… In the case of the ‘no win no fee’ ones, just how much is the fee in relation to the win? They don’t say…  As regards health, you could find yourself without a family doctor… All for a mild tummyache, that may have had nothing to do with the case anyway…

                                                  So… When I worked in a care home environment, I was held to ransom… The slightest thing, and I could be sued. It used to be said that, on average, a staff nurse can expect to be sued three times during their career. All so that relatives can buy motorhomes…

                                                  So next time you hear a jet engine dryer, and it won’t be very often, just be happy that at least someone is drying their hands after washing them…

                                                  More later.

                                                  God bless you for reading.



                                                    Hi everyone… More stuff arrived through the mail today… Some of it will land on the doormat… It always has done, Right? And if that has always been okay to handle?


                                                    More later… God bless you for reading.



                                                      Went to a grocery shop today, got a few bags of frozen stuff, bags a bit wet to touch… Also a box of breakfast cereal and a loaf of bread. Any risk here? Well it has all been handled by the till operator… Maybe it is simply ‘Cross-Bontaminated’ ?  After all, this happens every day, to lots of people, and if they do get ill, they don’t tell anyone, Right?  So it is reasonably safe. And that is good enough. So, armed with that information, I can defy the urge to try and wash everything when I get it home.

                                                      I used to be petrified of putting anyone else at any risk whatsoever, and yet, we actually ‘Cross-Bontaminate’ each other all the time, and that is actually doing everyone else a good turn, a favour, we are giving them the chance to become stronger in their resistance to their world around them, just as it is for ourselves, of course. And that is about as positive as we can get, in this slightly grubby world we live in.

                                                      Consider this… In ordinary life, The very people we seek to totally protect, may already be more resilient than we ourselves are.  And that is a good thing, Right?

                                                      Of course it is! Big smiles all round.

                                                      God bless you for reading.


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