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Hi everyone… Well, we’ve made it into a new year… Let’s all hope for the best…
Today it is, ‘The joy of giving’. How does that relate to OCD, I hear you ask… Well… When it comes to eating biscuits, a lot.
If we go to the cupboard, and pick up a pack of biscuits we have bought from a shop, and brought it home. We have ownership of it. If we then open it, take out say, three biscuits, and pass them to a friend or other person. What are we doing? Well, we are giving of ourselves, sharing, and that is a really uplifting thing to do. And yet, it is only three biscuits. We can then take out three biscuits, and eat them ourselves, to share the experience of enjoying the biscuits, together. It is a nice warm thing to do, and if you happen to have favourite biscuits, in my situation it is chocolate (!), it feels great! Really great, to share the joy together of doing something really nice, And, the giving of something of ourselves is not necessarily expensive.
Okay, Let’s bring the demon OCD in. We have handled the biscuits with bare fingers… So maybe, there is germs present. But dangerous? Well… Actually no, cos we ourselves have also had biscuits from the same hands, packet etc.
(I’m also into butter shortbread biscuits!)
We aren’t gonna get ill. They wont be contaminated… But maybe ‘Bontaminated’, a positive move.
At the extreme, we have possibly given the other person something for their natural defences to strengthen on…
A massive positive. Really good.
So… Next time we are in the supermarket or shop, buy a packet of biscuits, with our own money. Open them, give our friend three (Or even 4!), Then select the same number for ourselves, and enjoy the flavour, the companionship, and the wonderful joy of being able to give something of ourselves, without worry.
It is the same as going for a coffee… A pleasant, togetherness experience. The joy of giving.
Hopefully, it won’t be long before the nice warm weather comes back again. I long for warm summer evenings to sit outside in the park, to watch other people out with their pets and children. It is chaos, but it is someone else’s chaos!
Get out around other people. Sit in a cafe, and listen to someone else recounting the struggles of everyday life. No one has it easy, regardless of how much wealth they may have. Hardly anyone in our street had Christmas lights up. Houses stood out due to the absence of coloured lights, to try and brighten up the darkness.
We have already packed the decorations away until next year. We are not wealthy, in fact it is embarrassing having my wife’s mobility car parked outside. We are nowhere near as rich as it might look. And we rent our home… My qualifications for having a successful job are totally obsolete now. And I’m a pensioner, so cannot do much to improve my lot in life,
But at least I can enjoy a packet of favourite biscuits with a friend. And that is incredibly uplifting.
So, Until next Friday then, 12 January, at about the same time, 6pm.
Let’s be kind to ourselves, and be careful out there…