
Homepage Forums Support From Our Forum Community Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) The last ten years of contamination and checking ocd. And where I seem to be now Reply To: The last ten years of contamination and checking ocd. And where I seem to be now


    Went to a grocery shop today, got a few bags of frozen stuff, bags a bit wet to touch… Also a box of breakfast cereal and a loaf of bread. Any risk here? Well it has all been handled by the till operator… Maybe it is simply ‘Cross-Bontaminated’ ?  After all, this happens every day, to lots of people, and if they do get ill, they don’t tell anyone, Right?  So it is reasonably safe. And that is good enough. So, armed with that information, I can defy the urge to try and wash everything when I get it home.

    I used to be petrified of putting anyone else at any risk whatsoever, and yet, we actually ‘Cross-Bontaminate’ each other all the time, and that is actually doing everyone else a good turn, a favour, we are giving them the chance to become stronger in their resistance to their world around them, just as it is for ourselves, of course. And that is about as positive as we can get, in this slightly grubby world we live in.

    Consider this… In ordinary life, The very people we seek to totally protect, may already be more resilient than we ourselves are.  And that is a good thing, Right?

    Of course it is! Big smiles all round.

    God bless you for reading.
