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    Hi everyone… Well, yesterday it was a party to go to… You’ve guessed it, Sausage rolls, meringues, strawberries, Cream, Cake… It was fabulous… It was very lighthearted, and very sticky… Now, I wasn’t taking a lot of notice of what everyone else was doing but, There were only a few serviettes. Basically, I reverted to being a child again, and ate using my fingers, it was all lovely, I had a cream filled merigue, and there’s two ways to eat that, in a dish with spoon, in which case it crunches up to nothing, or, as I bravely tried, to eat it like the cake it is, dipping my fingers in and licking the cream off my fingers. Really nice! Now, we have a foolproof way of not spoiling our clothes when eating sticky cakes etc.  If, after eating a sticky cake, you lick your fingers clean, before wiping them dry on whatever is available, it won’t spoil your clothes, because saliva doesn’t. So I’m wiping them on the back of my shirt, and on my trousers. In all the time I’ve been doing that, my clothes are fine, and so is everyone else, so far. And, assuming they are all doing exactly the same… Well, they can’t blame me, can they? So, next time you go to a buffet, if there is antibacterial stuff on the food table, then by all means use it, sparingly, just the once. You can then basically handle anything you fancy to eat, get it on the plate, and return to your chair. This way, we get to eat real nice food. It is the same at a barbecue… Just watch the children. If there are no children, try a different barbecue! I absolutely adore being around kids, My grandchildren metaphorically ‘bounce off the walls’ when they visit. Much as I did when I was a child. With my sense of humour, I’m basically in my mid sixties, but acting like a six year old again. I’m re-living my childhood, in a happy way. I have the right to do this.  We visit more grandchildren next weekend, and they have dogs and a cat… And they are absolutely lovely.  Can they make us ill? Well, they haven’t so far, and they’re a lot of fun to be with. They are just wonderful, they are very affectionate, and enjoy sitting with me on the settee. But only when no one is eating of course. I haven’t carried anti-bac gel for quite a while now. It is such a pain to use. When it is provided in a public place, I use it sparingly on entry, and that is all. It is the same as everyone else around me it doing. So there’s no way they can try and hold me responsible, should they get tummy-ache…  This is real, ordinary living… And it helps if we don’t think too deeply into it… Let’s all eat a cake and lick our fingers clean… Just as we did when we were kids… More later,

    God bless you for reading.
