
Homepage Forums Support From Our Forum Community Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) The last ten years of contamination and checking ocd. And where I seem to be now Reply To: The last ten years of contamination and checking ocd. And where I seem to be now


    Today it is all about getting a water filter tank to go in our fridge… Can I trust it to be safe? After years of listening to misguided food hygiene lectures, it will be a challenge… Mind you, we had cheese sandwiches for lunch… With favourite bread…  I have never met, in the whole of my life, anyone who washes a plastic-wrapped block of cheese, with anything, before opening it… We slice through the wrapper, and cut a nice thick slice, and just eat the cheese… Using our bare fingers… Let’s be honest, if it was dangerous in any way, We’d have known about it long ago… And what about those little cheese triangles? We have survived with flying colours… This is evidence to support our Exposure Response Prevention stuff, as part of CBT…  Think back to when we used to go out with our schoolmates, sharing a fizzy drinks bottle, passing it around, wiping the top with our bare hands to ‘clean’ it ready for the next person… Never mind what we were wiping off, What were we putting on? Our hands would have been grubby from climbing trees, scrambling over rocks, all the things that youngsters do… And yet, here we are today, with strengthening immune systems, as we gradually reduce the amount of antibacterial gel we are using… If other people can get away with not being perfectly clean, but instead being ‘Reasonably’ clean, then maybe I can try to be like that too, and let go the stress…

    God bless you for reading…
