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    Hi everyone… The chicken turned out fine… Really nice in fact. Tonight it will be pasta, and yet more chicken!

    I’m itching to get started on my studies, but my module hasn’t opened up yet. In the meantime, a visit into our loft space, and getting lots of stuff stored, was a good achievement this morning, which nearly got catastrophised (See my other thread). But, I sort of saw it coming, and jammed the gears, metaphorically speaking. My favourite, handknitted white, chunkyknit cardigan has been worn loads of times, and never been washed before. (It would damage it).  And what about ‘Christmas’ jumpers? Mine hasn’t been washed for many years… I shudder to think what has managed to get onto that…

    When we eat a bar of Chocolate, or open a packet of really nice biscuits… Even if our hands are clean before we start, What about the packet? We give those around us permission to be slightly grubby… But what about ourselves? Surely we have that right too? We can all claim that right.  Absolutely.

    A few years ago, I went to college to learn computing skills… Wordprocessing, desktop publishing, database  and suchlike. I would go into the training centre  for a couple of hours, two or three times a week. At different times of the day. I was never on the same computer, cos all my work was saved onto floppy disks. (A full length novel would fit onto a simple floppy disc) But it would mean that, each time, a different machine, a different disk drive, a different keyboard. We never cleaned them before and after each use. We all signed in, on the same computer terminal. And ate biscuits and chocolate between sessions. If anyone ever got ill, it would have got in the papers, and on the news… But it didn’t. We survived, and learnt a really useful skill whilst we were there. I have certificates…

    Today, it is, use the antibacterial gel if provided on entry to a shop, any shop, once only. We have been told by the science, that that is fine, it is sufficient. I don’t know of anyone who would say they sanitise the door handles of their car, inside or out, before touching anything else… And, How many times have you eaten a ‘drive-in’, or takeaway burger?  Before Covid, nobody would give it a seconds thought. And what about picnics in the park, or on the beach? As children. We were fine, weren’t we?  We give other people the right to not be perfect. I claim that right too…

    God bless you for reading…
