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    Hi, I’ve solved the hardboiled egg situation… I can buy them ready cooked and shelled, and supplied with a dip of mayonnaise, from the delicatessen section of my local supermarket. Taking into account the energy to boil eggs, then chill them, then shell them, this is an efficient, and convenient way to have hardboiled eggs at home. And no, I didn’t wash the plastic packet before opening…  And pork pie… Nobody washes those… It would ruin them!

    Question; What do we do when using someone’s toilet facilities, and find that the soap is run out? Simple, Rinse hands under tap, and dry on towel. That will be the most anyone else in the building has done, and they are obviously okay. Well… I believe so… And so far, it has turned out okay for me.

    As long as I don’t actually begin responding to the occasional intrusive thought, it is possible to move on to doing something else… I know that If I go out, and I have the keys in my hand when walking away from the door, I will definitely have locked the door. If I go back to check, the stronger the urge to just check again, and again, and so on. I always hold the key in my hand until I reach the car. Then I know, beyond all reasonable doubt. Eventually it becomes easier to just not go back and check more than ‘once only’.

    I believe that clothes etc, are contaminated, or should I say ‘Bontaminated’, the second they come out of the washer, regardless of what we’ve washed them in… Years ago, washing went out on the line into the open air to dry. The air we breathe is polluted to a certain extent.  It could be said that spraying biocides (And that is what the manufacturers actually call them) onto our fabrics puts vapour in the air, that we breathe… Is this why there is such a lot of asthma around?  Can it be said the cleaning sprays damage the delicate biology of our lungs?  After all, they kill everything on hard surfaces…

    It keeps the soap companies in business, I guess.
