
Homepage Forums Support From Our Forum Community OCD & Intrusive Thoughts What if I check it just 1 more time?

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      Why does the need to check something,  actually become stronger, the more  I check it?!?!

      It does,  Doesn’t it? It’s ridiculous… And yet…

      If I never check, sure, I could make mistake,  but as I  am so vigilant anyway, the risk is gonna be very low. But doing it right first time, then checking once, is brilliant,  as long as it stops there. With Ocd we have that little voice inside us, pushing us to be 110% perfect. Others around us don’t need to be…

      Can we extend that right to ourselves?

      Even if only for the next few minutes, hours, days ahead.

      I’ll risk it if you will…


      Forum Moderators


        We’re sorry you’re going through a difficult time with OCD and we want you to know that OCD Action offers several types of support for you.

        You can contact the OCD Action Helpline and Email Service to talk to or email someone who understands OCD.

        Our Helpline volunteers provide confidential information and support for people with OCD. Most volunteers have personal experience of OCD; all understand how it can impact your life. Contact our Helpline by:

        Support groups for people with OCD offer a safe place where you can talk openly about OCD and support other people. Read information about UK-based groups here:

        If you don’t live in the UK, look for groups near you on the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) website. Under “Find Help”, choose “Listing Types”, then “Support Groups”:

        And please remember that you’re never alone – OCD Action is here to support you.

        Forum Moderators

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