
Homepage Forums Support From Our Forum Community OCD & Intrusive Thoughts Scared about comment I made it how I come across

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      I was at work and my male colleague, straight male as he says he is, was talking to me.  A women walks past and I said ” Think she dyed her hair, like that hair colour ”

      I don’t think that’s bad, I have to hear others make  inuendo’s all the time and I try and not get involved in that.  I’ve had it said to me by others.  I never say anything to a women, wouldn’t do that as I know the line and I make sure I never say anything out of line.

      He says ” you’re gonna get yourself in bother man, some folk might think it’s harassment ” I said how?  I never said anything nad, I just commented to you, you do the same to me.  He then laughed and said aye but if they heard they may not take it that way.  So I said now I’m a harasser?  So I’m not allowed to make a comment to you?  I said ” I felt it’s normal to acknowledge that surely?  If it made someone uneasy I would stop, then he laughed again and said yeah but some don’t see it that way.

      I try and be as respectful as I can and don’t feel I cross a line ever, but feel it’s unfair to make myself feel bad for saying such a thing?

      Now I’ve got it in my head I am going to sacked for this, sent to jail and branded a creep.  Is that over reacting?  I think it is but also I think I appreciate maybe I’ll just not say that to anyone again unless I trust them enough.

      Not entirely sure if he was trying to joke then it didn’t work well, as he said a dunno why you’d get in trouble so maybe it was fleeting but he’s said similar things to me, so I am like eh?  You told me yesterday you had a thing for another women and I didn’t even care, he even pointed her out to me.  That’s way worse, I simply said yeah ok, so he can hardly judge me surely.

      I try and be aware of how I come across and over the last few months have made sure I am just being as professional as I can, not engaging much with anyone, just sort of leaving my thoughts to myself but I don’t think what I’ve done us wrong?

      He’s a bit dramatic this guy so freaking out he will report me or something?


        I tend to feel that everyone, including myself,  says things in jest and on the spur of the moment… The English language has that many different ways of saying things, and true enough, some people will take absolutely everything we say to heart, but, for most of us, it is forgotten in moments, and not kept alive in our minds due to what we may call over-analysis. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill, so to speak. Don’t give it any more thought than absolutely necessary, it just isn’t warranted, and takes away our happiness.


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