Can ocd make you feel like you had intrusive thought that actually wasn’t an intrusive thought?. Yesterday I was with my co worker and it’s a coworker who I’m getting close to and she knows about my ocd. So we had a meeting and it was in her office so I went to grab a chair to sit next to her and then the thought popped up in my head to push her in a playful manner as I have done to my others friend in the past before I had ocd (like play fighting) but I paused for a second and thought maybe she won’t like that because maybe she feels we aren’t that close yet so instead I nudged her shoulders lightly and then the sudden impeding doom entered my body. I have given myself a migraine about this. Did I act on what I think was a intrusive thought or was this just a normal thought and the ocd is making me feel like it’s an intrusive thought I acted upon? Has anyone else gone through this?