Thanks for your questions about accessing posts from the old forum. We know you may be disappointed but we’re sorry that we cannot provide access to the old forum.
When we were developing this new forum, we found that it wasn’t technically possible to migrate the thousands of posts and messages from the old forum. We know some users liked to re-read old posts that they found useful and helpful, so we’re sorry we couldn’t move posts to the new forum.
But we did our best to keep users up-to-date about forum changes by posting topics both on the old and new forums. And we gave everyone time to ask questions before the new forum went live. We’re sorry if you didn’t get the chance to read these topics or ask questions before this new forum was launched.
We do realise it may take a while to get familiar with the new forum and we’re here whenever you need help. And we hope you understand why we updated the forum to make it a safer place for the entire user community.
If you’d like more information on why OCD Action made changes to our forums, please read this topic: https://ocdaction.org.uk/forums/topic/did-you-use-our-previous-forum/
Best wishes,
Forum Moderators