Hi everyone… What about packets of biscuits… Can we honestly say, hand on heart, that we have ever washed a packet of biscuits? We haven’t, have we? Even cake… We have always opened the packet and just eaten the biscuits… And yet, before opening, they would have been handled by the shopkeeper… Who would have handled everything else before asking for payment… The practice of using antibac gel cannot possibly have been practiced between every single item on the supermarket conveyor belt… And it is well known that not every customer uses antibac gel when entering the shop… And then there’s the supermarket toilets… It only takes one person not to wash their hands before re-entering the store after using the loo, to make everyone else after them contaminated… In reality… Everything has always been contaminated… And yet we’ve survived… Even during the Covid situation, we have all seen people disobeying the rules… We are all human and fallible after all… As a child I was expected to meet up to others’ levels of achievement. But now I know that was just plain wrong… No one else could do it either… When I was younger people would say… “Wouldn’t it be nice if you did this?” Asking me to do something in their agenda, so to speak. And if I didn’t measure up, they would be disappointed with me… An awful situation for myself, seeking the reassurance that never came… I was only a failure in their eyes… The important thing was not to agree with them, but as a schoolkid? Modelling clay… That could never have been sterile! And the plastic putty we use to stick study notes up on the wall without damaging the wallpaper… Re-used multiple times… Christmas presents… With plastic tape and thin paper… What about the Christmas tree? One of ours (Artificial) lasted over ten years… Apples… only ever rinsed in cold water, if at all… Books in the library… The list goes on. As soon as we begin to crawl around on the floor, we are building up our natural defences. Defences that we will ultimately need, to protect us from ever growing risks around us. Okay, rant over..!