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  • #13690

      I had an assessment in the summer with a locum psychiatrist who didn’t even pretend to care. I was very unhappy with what he wrote in a letter to me he didn’t even have the courtesy to sign or spellcheck so had a “second opinion” appointment with a doctor at Cardiff University. He wrote to this arsehole the following week apparently with his suggestions and asked for me be sent a copy of his report. It’s only because I emailed the doctor at the university I found out he’d sent the report pretty soon after seeing me. I asked the community mental health team about it and they said – discovered today – this locum who has since left didn’t put in the right place on the computer system. I will, I hope, get a copy of it in the post tomorrow. Even the woman who I spoke to said it was “not on” and mentioned complaining which is amazing considering this is an organisation which closes ranks if a patient protests at the way they’re being (mis)treated.


        They are supposed to be accountable…


          In my experience if you make a complaint the response is bullshit.


            Ray, In my experience that bullshit response is pretty typical across the whole of society. Every agency just looks after it’s own.


              I agree. I’ve been treated like shit before by GPs and mental health workers but nothing like as bad as in the last 12 months.

              Forum Moderators


                We’re so sorry that you’re going through such a difficult time now and we’d like to help.

                We’re concerned that you say: “…Today I nearly hurt myself.” If you ever feel like harming yourself or that your life isn’t worth living, you can call the Samaritans, who are always there to help.

                The Samaritans have a free, confidential listening service for people in distress, open 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. Their volunteers are not professional counsellors but will listen and never judge you. Contact the Samaritans by:

                • phone 116 123
                • email:

                If you’d like to talk to (or email) our OCD Action Helpline they may be able to provide you with information about your rights as a patient. Or you can just talk to them about what you’re going through.

                Our Helpline provides confidential information and support for people with OCD. Most volunteers have personal experience of OCD; all understand how it can impact your entire life. Contact our Helpline by:

                Also you can look at the Resources page on our website: read about treatment from the NHS, your rights as a patient and how you can self-advocate to get the treatment you deserve:

                Just please remember you’re never alone; our forum members and OCD Action are here to support you.

                Forum Moderators

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