OCD is very hard. It’s like it’s consumed all of my thoughts. It’s like this little voice in my head that tells me all these things snd I hate it. Even thoughts about my future like “you are going to cheat on your husband with a girl” and I hate that because I know I don’t even want that. But in the moment it feels so real as if I would want to, like it’s who I am. I don’t understand how I have these deep moments where this all feel real like I could see all these things happening or feel like I would do them or want them and then I’m the next moment I know I don’t want them. That makes me feel the terrible doubt. It’s like this voice in my head views myself as these thoughts and it makes me feel like I view myself as them too. Almost as if I know when I know I don’t? Idk if that makes any sense at all. I just hate it all. I really hope your right and I hope this all goes away soon