
Homepage Forums Support From Our Forum Community OCD & Intrusive Thoughts Intrusive memory or defensive mechanism?

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Forum Moderators.
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  • #22516

      Hello has anyone experienced this: when I think of someone or something that made me traumatized, right away my mind associates good memories with this bad thought. Is this a ocd intrusive memory or my mind creating a defensive mechanism Anyone know?


        It most certainly could be.  In the Peter Pan books by J.M.Barrie, the saying was ‘Hold a happy thought, and you will fly’ Metaphorically speaking. Pushing on through the darkness, and going for positive thinking seems to work really well. And the awful thoughts then begin to diminish, thankfully.

        Does that help?


        Forum Moderators

          Forum Moderators here:

          Thanks very much for posting on the forums. We just want you to know that’ll you’re never alone and OCD Action is here to support you.

          If you’d like to talk to or email someone who understands OCD, please contact our OCD Action Helpline.

          You can get confidential information about and support from a Helpline volunteer who understands how OCD can impact your life. Contact our Helpline by:

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          We hope this is helpful,

          Forum Moderators

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