Greetings everyone, I’m a 22 year old female, and in essence, I think what I’m going through is OCD. I feel all of the symptoms and I guess you could say I diagnosed myself in fear of seeing a doctor. This all started when I was about 18 or 19, it felt like my brain had suddenly stopped functioning. The feeling of having OCD scared me every time, so I would obsessively research the web. However, I found that it is actually a form of OCD which I was able to I guess somewhat cope with. The thing is I still get these thoughts to this day, hence why I’m writing this thoughts like “don’t kid yourself you are a bad person” “youll act on your thoughts one day”. Reading what other people with this have to say helps me cope with the thoughts , they usually just say tell to acknowledge the thoughts as “OCD” and ignore them. Which usually works, but sometimes the doubt gets to me and I end up here. There’s just something about seeing a doctor about this that makes me extremely nervous, as I fear being misdiagnosed and being labeled as like a danger to society or something.