So I’m terrified of being attracted to my dog(or any dog)and at first it felt really uncomfortable and gross but now it feels more real, and like I hardly even feel anxious anymore either. My biggest problem is when my dogs face gets close to mine, or when I see other peoples dogs get close to their faces, and I just saw this video of a guy taking his dog on a walk and(this sounds really stupid but)the camera was close up on the dogs face for like 1/2 a second and I got this tingling feeling in my chest, which felt a lot like when I feel attracted to someone. I only started feeling physical feelings like this in the last couple days but today was the strongest and it just keeps getting stronger, like I feel like it has to be real. I was never attracted to dogs before this started but now I’m doubting if I was and I just didn’t notice, or I noticed and just forgot?? I feel like I’ve sorta just accepted it tho, but I want more than anything for it to go away. I feel like my life is over