Hello everyone,
I am new here and I am very sorry, my English isn’t the best.
I was wondering if ther’s anyone with this one condition related to contamination OCD. I have contamination ocd related to dangerous chemicals and all the other hazardous stuff. At the moment it focuses around specific substance, i will not say what it is as I don’t want it to become a new theme for someone else.
The problem with my ocd is that I am most concerned about the possible or rather imagined past exposure to it. I spend my days thinking, analysing, trying to remember all the situations where I could have been exposed to that stuff and of course my ocd mind finds such instances and than my mind goes wild with all the “what ifs” and worst case scenarios.
I feel like I also have these false memories where I think that I have used some specific thing at one point that might have contained that substance. I don’t actually remember ever buying or using it but I get these sort of images in my mind where I see my self using it, or seeing it in my bathroom cabinet. They are not like real memories where you trully remember something, it’s hard to explain.
Am I alone with these kind of thoughts about the past?