

    Hi friends… We’ve achieved another week.

    I’ve seen a slogan somewhere that suggests that; Life is like a roller coaster, and you have two options; Either put your head down between your knees and scream… Or sit up straight, wave your hands up in the air and scream for excitement!  Mmmm… Believe me, I have had times when I’ve done both!! As for today… I’ll have to wait and see on that one…  Try and stay positive, Wannabe!

    I need to go out shopping in a little while… A supermarket… With bank card… Handling purchases… Walking on the pavement… Where dog walkers go…

    Tonight it will be a takeaway supper… Paying cash in a chip shop…

    I’m surprised they don’t do more by contactless… It would be cleaner for them…

    Something I have taken to making, is scrambled eggs… Boiled eggs refuse to co-operate when I try to shell them, so scrambled is easier, cooked in a jug in the microwave oven. Now… Some years ago, eggs were dangerous unless cooked to oblivion. So what about the shells? With raw egg traces on…

    The solution; Break eggs into the bowl/jug, and leave the broken shells to dry naturally, on a wipe-able surface. (My bin is on the opposite end of the kitchen to the worktop…) Wash hands, Do the cooking, enjoy the food, and then, several hours later, gather the dried out shells together, and bung them in the bin. Easy!

    Library books… They tend to have wipe-able plastic jackets these days… But what about the individual pages then…

    Well… As it would be impossible to sanitize them anyway, just enjoy reading the book. Our natural defences will do the rest… Just as always…

    Driving lessons… Now… When I did my driving lessons, I would begin by taking the previous learner to their home, then proceeding with my lesson. I would then be taken home by the person having their lesson after me. To the best of my knowledge, this would be harmless. And I used to get out of the car totally soaked in nervous sweat! You cannot safely sanitize a car… The fumes would kill us…

    Ever been to a charity shop? They have some wonderful stuff don’t they? Especially the cuddlies!

    If they even tried to sanitize them, they would be ruined. If I see one I like the look of, It’s coming home with me!

    I sometimes worry about other people’s opinions of me. My way of dealing with that, is to do my thing, then remove my eyeglasses so I don’t notice any possible looks of disapproval! It works.

    In his book ‘Feeling good, the new mood therapy’, Dr David Burns covers things like that… After all, it would be impossible to please all of the people all of the time. Just as they us… We don’t need to go more than half and half with other people, and they certainly do not have the right to expect more than  similar of ourselves.

    Okay… Tomorrow our grandchildren are visiting. It isn’t a private riot, We are allowed to join in!!! Great fun.

    One last thing for this week… Have you ever noticed that, when sitting at a table in a restaurant, other people prop their chins up with their elbows? They will touch their mouths, noses etc. No worries… In expectation of something really nice to eat. All good. What they handle next is entirely up to them… After they have finished their meal, the table will be cleared by a waitress, and wiped over with a gentle cleaner, all ready for the next customers.

    They don’t send in people with protective suits and hosepipes! A ‘Decontamination squad’, if you like. (Think of the ‘Ghostbusters’ film at this point!). It would literally be overkill, and the air would be unbreatheable.

    I just fancy going to a restaurant right now. That way I won’t know what the meal will be, two and a half hours in advance. No food prep, no frying, no washing up, No finding that I haven’t got any of a particular ingredient, No stress. And I do like the sound of that. That is definitely do-able.

    So let’s all try some of this, this week, and see how we get on. The evidence suggests that we will be okay, and so will those around us. After all, it is impossible to wash a bag of sugar…

    And our clothing has never been sterile. For anyone… Other people included.

    Until next Friday then… 19/01/2024, at about the same time… 6pm UK time.
