
    Something else for my journal… Today I ordered an item of clothing on line. It is due to arrive in a few days… I’m now worrying… Will it fit? Mmmmm… Should I be worrying? I don’t know… But it won’t change anything… I have to wait until it arrives…  If it’s wrong, I’ll either alter it, or buy another of a different size. But until it arrives, I can do nothing… I need to leave it in my journal. Other things are due to arrive this week too…  I love buying secondhand. I trust that the item will be reasonably clean. It will be good enough… I’m tempting fate with this… The parcels will have been handled by many… The person who wraps it, the postal staff, and then me, from my doormat probably… It worked out okay last time I did it… I can alter clothing if necessary… I actually used a sewing machine a few days ago… I had to figure out how to thread it! It’s many years since last time… But I managed it… A borrowed sewing machine… Borrowed cotton… No one is ill yet… Not even from the burger bar a few days ago…  So… I’ll leave it all in my journal, and pick it up in a couple of days… It is there to refer to if need be, but the main thing is, leave it there, all written down. Close the book, and get some sleep… Sleep…

    Until tomorrow then…
