
    Okay… I did have a head cold a couple of days ago, that resulted in me actually taking some cold relief medicine… But it was gone a day or so later…  I will have Bontaminated the world with it… Have I given it to anyone else? Or Indeed, Did I actually catch it from them first? We don’t know, do we? There is no way to know.

    What about germs on my clothing? Is there really anything there anyway? Germs need moisture to live and breed. My trousers are dry. (When I was a child, they weren’t always, but that is a different story…)

    I used to wet the bed at night… Many children do… Nocturnal Enuresis, they call it. I would go to school without washing my face and hands… To the best of my knowledge, we had no epidemics at school. Nothing… And I never missed even 1 day of school… In the 1960’s there was no real daytime TV. So I was better off at school, ‘Bontaminating’ everything I touched or came into contact with. I would get bullied because I smelt terrible…

    Well… What a ‘ride’ that was!  I’m now a great grandparent in my own right… And still haven’t ‘Grown-up’ yet!

    So, in a nutshell (To quote one of my books) We Bontaminate the world… The world is totally Bontaminated, by ourselves and everyone else, and has been since the year dot. We are always Bontaminated. And that is an important good thing… We can then adapt to the world around us, biologically as well as everything else…

    Time for another slice of cake, without needing to wash my hands first… Because they look clean enough… Well, Reasonably so, anyway…

    More later…
