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    Hi everyone… I uave been sitting on the floor… In a house where they have small children, a cat, and a couple of dogs. I know it will be okay, cos where I sat looked reasonably clean. And it has always been okay before. Something us contaminations ocd sufferers can do when we get a chance is… Go into a shopping centre, enter a shop, and pick up a basket. But don’t actually place anything into it. Walk around the store, then, after say, ten minutes  or so, place the basket back on the stack, then wander into another shop, and repeat the exercise…  Do this in maybe four shops, and then in the fifth, you can put something in the basket, pay for it at the till, and thus treat yourself for having succeeded in the task.  No antibacterials,  cos shops do provide it anymore.

    It works, and no one gets ill

    Let’s ‘Risk it for a biscuit!’

    God bless you for reading…

    P.S. This also seems to work with door handles…
