
Homepage Forums Support From Our Forum Community Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) The last ten years of contamination and checking ocd. And where I seem to be now Reply To: The last ten years of contamination and checking ocd. And where I seem to be now


    Did you think anything would happen? That maybe I would get a tummy upset? Well, nothing did. And there was nothing on TV about people picking up tummy upsets at motorway services. So it just has to be okay, Doesn’t it?

    This being the case, if we all tried washing a little less, then, just maybe, we would start to feel a little better about ourselves, and where we fit into the world around us…  In a restaurant, the only place to wash hands is in the toilet rooms, but, for years, people have pulled door handles, in order to return to the main restaurant… So whether or not you wash your hands, there has always been something to get on your nice clean hands… So, I seem to have got it to a point so that, the very second intrusive thoughts begin, I’m assertively pushing them away, so they don’t even get their toe in the door, so to speak… Let’s give them no power, no inch so they can try to take a mile, so to speak…

    More later…

    God bless you for reading,
