
    This is where this thread now comes to a gentle conclusion, ready for another thread of some sort… The books are now available on Amazon.   Google ‘Marcus John Kim’, or even ‘Bontamination’, and you’ll find it. We now have a little piece of evidence we can now place in our armoury of asserting ourselves against the Ocd bully. It has been a very  long and difficult  journey, and I’m still on it, maybe for ever… But when I cannot get a word in edgeways in conversation, I turn to writing. On my desktop, I have a folder called ‘The Angry Files’, and I’m able to say my piece, without interruption or heckling. It is a great way to shout back at the intrusive thoughts… In fact ‘Assertiveness training’, sounds like a really brill idea, so I can stand firm and tell my ocd, to keep it’s distance, or words to that effect!  Anyone else done assertiveness training?

