Reply To: The concept of ‘Bontamination’… Discuss.
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Sometimes, when we talk about fighting something, it helps to have something there to ‘Fight’, and some sort of ammunition to fight it with… Otherwise we are just ‘Punching’ thin air, with no resistance to our efforts…
This is where ‘Bontamination’ comes in. It suggests that, yes, I agree with you, there almost certainly is something on that door handle, light switch, even our hands… But, it also asks the question ‘Is it really that bad?’ Is there any proof that it is indeed ‘bad’? Or does the evidence back up an idea that, It has been there since were tiny babies crawling about on the floor, strengthening our immune systems… That as long as we are ‘reasonably’ clean, then there is really nothing to fear… We are built up, regulated, and protected by laws of biology… We are natural… And pretty resistant to the world around us… If we weren’t, we would succumb pretty quickly. We only take very small amounts of medicine, but the results are often absolutely amazing… Trace amounts of vitamins… We are amazing… Bontamination seeks to give us a defence, something ‘concrete’, that could maybe stand up in a court of law… To protect ourselves, not just from physical illness, but the solicitors who people employ so they can get enough money to go on holiday, at the expense of our mental health…
I’m sure glad I took Human Biology to ‘O’ level! To put it bluntly, for every force in a given direction, whether or not is an attack of infection, there is an equal and opposing force holding it back… That is exactly what Bontamination is, when Isaac’s third law is applied to it. So that, within pretty big parameters, we are pretty safe… To be honest, we still don’t know for sure exactly what causes allergies… But, it makes sense to say that, If we keep killing off the good guys as well as the bad… We are effectively shooting our own troops from behind, while they are busy trying to protect us from the baddies beyond…
I don’t think that this could be undone overnight… Indeed, it could have taken generations to become part of us… At least we have antibiotics…
Anyway… Let’s give ‘Bontamination’ a chance to help us. Taking a risk is what life is all about. Just maybe, that person over there in font of me is made up of the same materials as I am… So, if I’m resistant to stuff, Maybe they are too? Cos they’ve never made Me ill, have they? How could we ever prove it if they had? And that works in our favour too…