
    Hi everyone… As this is my own thread, I can advertise… A good book available on Amazon is, ‘Not in a nutshell. The concept of ‘Bontamination”.  By Marcus John Kim. It is a very interesting read, and isn’t expensive, as textbooks go… I should know, I wrote it…

    It has come about as a result of my own journey with contamination and checking OCD…

    OCD can indeed be battled… It’s not easy… But it is largely about ‘letting go’ of all the responsibility and misplaced guilt. We are all human and fallible. And that is a good thing… And actually vitally important to our survival.

    My computer isn’t going to be perfectly clean… And that is actually a good thing, important to our biology… If we bump off 99.9% of bacteria, won’t we be getting rid of good ones too?  It’s an interesting point… Time to eat some more chocolate biscuits, without washing the wrapper first… After all, the shop checkout operator handles everything… And has done, for several years at least…

    More later…
