
Homepage Forums Support From Our Forum Community Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Dreading going back to work and leaving my baby at childcare Reply To: Dreading going back to work and leaving my baby at childcare


    Hi, Have you heard the term ‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder’?  You may find that, time at work will give you a break, and when you get back home at the end of your shift, You’ll be able to love her even more… As a grandparent, I absolutely adore my kids, I see them regularly, and it is great fun, but I couldn’t do it all the time… One day, your little one will start school, and have lot’s more people in her life… And she’ll love you more, and one day understand that you go out during the day too, to provide her with wonderful things to make her life happy.  Welcome.
