
Homepage Forums Support From Our Forum Community OCD & Intrusive Thoughts Bizarre moral OCD theme that terrifies me. Please help Reply To: Bizarre moral OCD theme that terrifies me. Please help

Forum Moderators


    Forum moderators here – we’re sorry you’re going through such a very difficult time but are very glad that you’re seeing an ERP therapist and hope this treatment helps you. If you’d like to talk to someone who can give you additional support, we want you to know about other helpful resources.

    As you sound quite distressed, if at any point you’re feeling like your life isn’t worth living, you can call the Samaritans, who are always there to help you.

    The Samaritans have a free, confidential listening service for people in distress, open 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. They support anyone who needs someone to talk to. Their volunteers are not professional counsellors but will listen and never judge you. Contact the Samaritans by:

    While it’s great that you’ve posted on the forums, if you’d like to talk to (or email) someone who understands OCD, please contact our OCD Action Helpline.

    Our Helpline is a confidential, unbiased source of information and support for people with OCD – or anyone who thinks they may have OCD. Most of our volunteers have personal experience of OCD; all understand how it can impact your entire life. Contact our Helpline by:

    And please remember that you’re never alone; OCD Action is here to support you.

    Best wishes,

    Forum Moderators