(OCD) affects 1-2% of people in the UK. Despite its severity, OCD is treatable with the right support and evidence-based treatment. Yet, we face a crisis of neglect—OCD is invisible in our healthcare system.
The Data Gap: Our latest research reveals a critical flaw in the UK’s healthcare system: the NHS is not systematically recording data on OCD. Without data, the NHS is blind to the real scale of OCD, the success of treatments, and who is being left behind. This isn’t just an oversight; it demonstrates a system without the tools to see or consistently support all those living with OCD in the UK.
Our Demand: We’re calling on the government to take decisive action. Our manifesto provides a roadmap for change to bring the current crisis to an end. We need a system that counts every person living with OCD—because every person living with OCD matters.
Join the Movement: Sign our open letter. Tell the next Prime Minister that your vote depends on them taking action to end this crisis now; they must redevelop our system to provide access to the evidence-based treatment for everyone affected by OCD. You can read the letter and sign it on this page: https://ocdaction.org.uk/campaigns/