
    Well it has gone I believe….

    So let’s just see where we are today…

    How are you getting on with the smile dragging? I love it when someone smiles at me, even if I  have had to make the first step. It is addictive after a while… Dare I say ‘Infectious’?

    Children are great respondents for this…

    I giggle a lot these days… I find that it helps with my survival…

    It will definitely help with yours too…

    Last night I  went to the supermarket… I didn’t spend a lot, just wandered around in the bright lighting. The brilliant colour scheme.  I got a couple of items in my basket, plus a few for the food bank. Put it in when things are okay, so it will be there when things aren’t so good…

    Just like everyone  these days, I  am suffering with a cold. It is the only ailment certain to drag me down… I  would rather stay snuggled up warm in bed… Our heating system is not working very well at present. I hate being cold.  Even our local jacuzzi centre is too cold to go in now… Something to do with saving money. But if no one goes?

    Okay… I will bit and bob this week, to make absolutely sure that this blog continues.

    Until later, dear friends.