
    Well, I am now an unemployed OAP. And bust…  I will need to work again, I quite simply cannot afford to retire now. I served my apprenticeship on leaving school, but the industry has gone… And it was quite a mucky industry!

    No wonder there were virtually no Christmas lights in our street!

    Anyway… I will try and find a way through, by keeping things simple, just like the character George Bailey, in the classic Christmas movie ‘Wonderful life’.

    I have wonderful kids and grandkids, and great grandkids, all of whom love me, so that’s really good, and important. Children are a wonderful asset to a family. I should know, I’ve been there, done that, and worn the Tee shirt so to speak. And for that I am immensely proud, and I make sure they all know it. That’s what life is really all about for me. I may lose the car… But hey, let’s do the best we can to stay in our home. I can walk to the shops! That way I can understand the value of things. I may have to come off meds as I’m borderline epileptic. But I don’t care anymore. I have had businesses that failed, mainly due to lack of support from various parties.

    Tonight I will sleep. To be honest, I was very enthusiastic about plans for the future last night, so I’m a bit short of sleep!

    Tomorrow I will update my Friday night blog. I’m not sure of what to write yet, but I’ll think of something tomorrow!!

    In the meantime, Let’s all try to Keep It Simple, Suffering Soul.


    I wonder if I could take my qualifications and experience abroad?