
    Well… We are early tonight!!! I have an engagement this evening, so rather than be two hours late, I’d get this written early.

    So what about today then? The news is quite depressing, and the evenings are dark at this time of year. All a big contributor to feeling depressed, and weakened to daily combat our OCD etc.

    I’m due to go to a holiday centre shortly… Perhaps two thousand people who won’t have made themselves sterile first…  One or two might get tummy-ache… At those sort of odds, you are more likely to get mugged in your favourite supermarket!!! We survive! A little bit of ‘grubbyness’ actually helps us. In many ways, it is vital for our survival on the planet.

    When we go into hospital, we can pick up germs… Only by breathing… Everything else has been practically sterile for years, and lowering the amount of work our natural defences strengthen on to protect us. And all because of solicitors…

    But, in normal life… Let’s go to that Cafe for a sandwich, without wondering ‘What have I left on the door handle?’. ‘Could I possibly be putting someone else at risk of illness, because I touched something?’. Those other people will have already infected themselves anyway, without any help from me… Everyone has natural defences… The oil in our skin, The enzymes in the saliva in our mouths, and the army of white blood cells in our bloodstream that are constantly protecting us from the inside. In short, we are okay. Everything is reasonably safe.

    It may soon be a situation where people come down with colds and flu type illnesses, cos everything has been too ‘clean’.

    Care environment actually document that things have been bleached to destruction… Because in court they are up against solicitors trying to get thousands for a client, just because they had a tummy upset… Litigation is making things un-natural for us. We have our immunisations, and that should be enough in an ordinary environment.

    Okay… The car…  I don’t drive anymore, because of a medical condition, but when I did, I would ‘Go back and check…’ All this would make me late for meetings etc. When I did go back, I would find nothing wrong. I’d just get upset about the amount of time I was wasting for myself, everytime I went out anywhere.

    I would worry about dog poo on the pavement… I trod in some maybe once a year… And just rinsed it off my shoe. It was incredibly rare, and yet I would scan the pavement behind me ‘Just in case’.  Get frustrated at finding nothing…

    We are perhaps a little too conscientious for our own good, maybe even a lot… Way too much.

    We’ve travelled on buses and trains all our lives… All this ‘cleanliness’ came in the last thirty years or so… How did we ever survive our childhoods? We did, because our bodies have an amazing immune system. Looking into human biology, it is amazing how everything is working. Organic plumbing some people call it. Truly incredible. Let’s allow ourselves and others around us to rely on that for a while, just as we did as kids. Ultimately, it can be good for us.

    I wore a Christmas jersey yesterday, it was supposed to be a national thing… I’m just glad that I did, that’s all. It felt good.

    I’m gonna try and smile a lot today. Mainly to myself to start with. It sort of lifts me a bit. I do a lot of saying ‘thankyou’ too, especially to shop assistants. I usually get a smile in return, and that further lifts me… Anything in this darkened world of ours… We don’t need to be totally sterile in ordinary life. Surgeons do tend to work in that direction, but they are working inside our natural protective barrier, the skin. When we pick up a loaf of bread in a supermarket, it will go through the tills, just as it has always done… And we’ve lived to tell the tale. Letting go of worry, will really lighten our day, and those around us too. We become happier in ourselves, and that is definitely a good thing!

    Next week we will be looking at finding Compromise, (in the noun), within a world that is very often kind of nasty to us. Some work environments are really toxic in a mental health sort of way… People seek to tear us down… Just cos we are sensitive. Just why is it that we seem to get targetted so much? We can find that we do it to ourselves too…

    Okay, until next Friday then. Let’s be careful out there…