Reply To: Friday night Blog…
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Hi everyone…
Hi Friends… Well… We’ve made it through another week… Only just maybe, but definitely yes, and for that we can be proud and grateful in equal measure.
Well, What to share with you all this week… It has been very stressful these past few days. So I wrote a lot of stuff down in a sort of letter, I then placed it where people would find it… And… They did. I expected to get into trouble, but no, the issues will be sorted out very soon, as we have a new leader coming to take over the running of the Salvation Army hall, where I am an adherent member.
Churches tend to be almost political at times… I believe that the ‘Vicar of Dibley’ parish council was based on reality… A sort of ‘committee’, that cares more for itself, than the people it is supposed to be representing. I once worked in a factory… No guesses which department had no redundancies… Union reps, supposedly, and I had a young child on the way…
Factor in the word ‘Greed’ to the equation, and see what comes up, every time!
Instead of waiting to be invited, I will continue to force my way in at church, whether they like it or not… I am there to do what I’m already good at… We are all here to do what we are already good at… Some people say; ‘We are each of us Naturally gifted’. I agree. We just need to wait to find out what…
I do other stuff too. But there is no way I’ll ever worry about an ability about not being able to read musical notation… I don’t need to, I play by ear, and that is sufficient for me.
You, Dear reader, Are already naturally good at something special. You may not know yet what it is.
Do you remember the careers officer at school? What is it you would like to do with your life?
I went through half a dozen different trades before I retired. Industries came and went, that’s how it often goes, and not necessarily in the name of progress… Long gone are the days of a ‘job for life’ regardless of training or ability. Long gone… Apprentices are often cheap labour now. The old YTS scheme in the UK was abused… By employers that I was working with. Nowadays even colleges don’t teach the old industry processes, so things quickly become obsolete when spare parts are no longer made…
If I came up with a brilliant business idea, I would be told to go and get a job employed by someone else, or they’d take away my unemployment benefits. To get funding, would mean taking an idea abroad, where willing hands would help, so all the skills went overseas… And now we no longer have the raw materials to make stuff anyway…
Rant over!
In order to succeed within ourselves, we need to explore and develop the things we are each already good at… Even though many around us will say no. When we have an idea, we need to find the people who will say yes, rather than it seems, the vast majority, who will tell us why it cannot be done… We would warm to the teachers of our best subjects… We have to let go of those who are disappointed in us… Few people are brilliant at everything… If indeed, Any…
Go for your dreams…
A really good film is ‘The Ice Princess’. About a girl who loves ice-skating on the pond near her home, to the point where she works her way into an ice rink for training. She is chasing her dream… We all, as ordinary people, have the right to dream, to aspire to wonderful things, but never forget… The person with an unlimited expense account, will never know the true value of anything. A good pearl of wisdom that.
When you actually create something, regardless of monetary value, it is automatically special to you, and you alone.
‘Celebrities’ beware! Most don’t even read their own books, let alone write them! And it is the actual writing of the book that is far more exciting and satisfying. It doesn’t matter if it ever makes money or not… What about you? Have you ever thought about writing a ‘Journal’? All your thoughts and dreams, Ideas and theories… Just for you.
It’s not necessarily about getting published… Although that is always a possibility. It is about actually owning and processing your own mind.
That is priceless.
More next week. Friday 27th October, at approximately 6pm, Hopefully! Wow! It’s nearly November!